25.S1.1 notes: Nothing major changed this season for support, so the supports are about the same
And Xayah
Already a support
Classified as a support, they're a support (I don't need to tell you how to build them)
Off meta build not champ
Champs that aren't off meta inherently but what I build is
Objectively bad everywhere
Tier Description
pretending to be support
I Refuse to believe these are supports
Aren't supports in the meta but work really well as supports
big boy tank damage, adc get kill
All in machine
Pick fights don't back down
cc is getting kills
You cc sure but your kills are better cc
Adc 2 electric boogaloo
Adc 2 with no need to cs
Why has this worked?
For some godforsaken reason this worked
I don't know what to do playing you
Tested but they feel weird
I hate you I hate you I hate you
Uninstall league if you do this, never touch it again and play dota or something
There is a guide on here for a mid-lane Tank build, but I think it could be viable as an anti-engage support build.
Since Karthus’ abilities can grant vision in bushes, that is a plus for the bot lane.
Your W reduces enemy MR and slows, so if you pair up with an AP bot laner (e.g KogMaw) then you can amplify their damage and make it easier to chase them down.
Ability path is E > Q > W
Example Build
Start Item: Tear of the Goddess (don’t bother completing unless ahead)
Boots: Sorcerer Shoes
Armor Items: Thornmail, Unending Despair
Dual Armor/MR Item: Jak’Sho The Protean
MR Items: Kaenic Rookern, Hollow Radiance, Abyssal Mask
Vex I still stand by and I can try the ezreal build and report back
He's just generally not good as a support even in a funny way, though I haven't tried him this season