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ADC Tier List Patch 13.20 Patch 14.1

Vapora Dark's Tier List Vapora Dark's Tier List
Last updated on January 17, 2024
158241 37
47 Votes


Best picks



Really good picks



Not the best, but they'll do



Not worth playing unless you're really cracked on them

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O kwstakhs | January 17, 2024 9:16am
Good tier list bro but i have a Genuine question, why nilah is S tier ahah she seems so weak at the momement
DjapeFromSerbia (25) | July 31, 2023 5:34am
I'm suprised you rate Ezreal over Varus and Caitlyn, also I think Jinx and Lucian are better than him, other than that this is really great list, I guess I'm just Ezreal hater xd ...
Demonsedge90 (4) | July 26, 2023 5:24pm
I don't know if I'd consider Miss Fortune broken (even after playing her lots), but she's definitely a strong pick right now.
Molses (2) | June 14, 2022 12:23pm
didn't zeri's subsequent nerf drop her of S+ category or nah?
Vapora Dark (625) | June 15, 2022 3:33am
Yes, I haven't updated this for the hotfixes yet.
Molses (2) | February 26, 2023 7:50am
Btw, whenever and if you can, do a new tier for the new season s2
Molses (2) | February 25, 2023 8:37pm
Np. Thanks for the tier.
Minnotaro (2) | June 11, 2022 9:06am
where is akshan
Vapora Dark (625) | June 12, 2022 5:17am
I removed him since no one plays him there anyway and I don't see any future for him where he's not a D tier bot laner, given that he's much better on mid lane. Senna at least has the mist drop as a balancing lever where they can keep putting her in and out of viability, so even when she's weak it's worth keeping her in so people know how weak until she gets buffed again. Akshan probably just won't ever see play as an ADC.
7EyesNoSkills (3) | June 11, 2022 7:16am
Hey, Kog'Maw deserves A or B in my opinion.
Vapora Dark (625) | June 12, 2022 5:20am
That might be the case after his hotfix buff, I'll wait for more data on how much it benefitted him.
200years | May 28, 2022 4:45pm
I hate when stat websites like this put Aphelios at the bottom cause sb 50% winrate. His skill floor is equal to his payoff. He is a super good champ and I'll stand by that statement.
Molses (2) | May 26, 2022 6:44pm
Hail to Queen Vania!* (*it was on purpose lol) least until League decides to nerf true damage (there were talkings about it)
Cigo (1) | May 24, 2022 3:53pm
IMO: Samira should be A tier, she's the most support dependant ADC in the game since if she doesn't have CCs, she basically can't do damage until she completed mythic, boots and collector.
Kalista is C, she is strong only if you play her almost perfectly.
Senna ADC got nerfed to the ground, she can't even stack her passive by herself sicne she can't spawn mist by killing minions.
I'd move both Kai'sa and Jhin up a tear, if not two for Kai'sa, in the right hands (not very rare) they're borderline brocken
Prolific | June 8, 2022 9:08am
Actually they nerfed fasting Senna on support b y reducing her slow on Q and buffed her on adc. She used to get a 2% chance for souls to spawn on her csing them but its now a 8%.
minervatheory (1) | May 23, 2022 2:21pm
I'm a supp main but any chance I do get to play ADC hurts because I love Varus so much and that fact that he isn't really viable just sucks. I'm actually surprised that Kalista isn't C tier although I'm low elo so I'm assuming that in higher elos she does just a bit better.
Miraihi | May 26, 2022 5:11am
He's not dependant on one-shots (Unless you're AP Varus), so you can poke people down like you did before. Durability update is neutral to beneficial to Varus.
TheImmortalEye (15) | May 15, 2022 5:01am
not an adc pro , but what happened to zeri? wasnt she beyond busted a few patches ago? did riot finally break her legs.
Vapora Dark (625) | May 18, 2022 2:13am
Molses (2) | May 15, 2022 2:39pm
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