Well, this is will mark the day I lose my blogging virginity.
I'm glad to have given it to MOBAfire.
I have made a fair amount of friends here, as well as some really good works of art(guides).
I'm glad to have finally gotten a guide to the #1 position, and I'm glad it was for someone I see myself playing a lot.

Jarvan IV was the first champion I wrote a guide for... and wrote one for nearly every other newly released champion after.
I'm loving most of the responses I'm getting on my Riven guide, some are a little infuriating, but I know I can't please everyone's playstyle.

Anyway, a little about myself for anyone interested:

My name is Devin, I am a male living in the U.S.A.
I am 19 years old, and am addicted to LoL.
I used to be an avid Yu-Gi-Oh player as well. I don't play many other games, so if you have any you want to share with me, I'll try it out.