Views: 1387 Zyra
I'm loving her so much.
IMO she's gonna be a top pick once she's released.
If you guys didn't know, her W has no delay, no mana cost, and is basically a free ward. The refresh time is also insanely quick. This means she can plant seeds when she's moving without stopping. You can also place a seed after you use your abilities to plant a plant down.
Her ranges are quite short (her only downside imo)
But her combos and CC's are insane. Her E is basically a Morgana Q that can go through units
Her Q is a mini Xerath ult with decent range. You can Q onto two seeds to instaplant two mini turrets that feel stronger than heimer turrets.
Her ult is a huge nuke but I feel it's really iffy :/
This is all from my perspective from my first game (I went double doran kage raba)
I'm thinking WOTA would be insane on her. Maybe WotA Rylai?
I also think she could be really strong at top. Her E basically stops all engages on her.
IMO she's gonna be a top pick once she's released.
If you guys didn't know, her W has no delay, no mana cost, and is basically a free ward. The refresh time is also insanely quick. This means she can plant seeds when she's moving without stopping. You can also place a seed after you use your abilities to plant a plant down.
Her ranges are quite short (her only downside imo)
But her combos and CC's are insane. Her E is basically a Morgana Q that can go through units
Her Q is a mini Xerath ult with decent range. You can Q onto two seeds to instaplant two mini turrets that feel stronger than heimer turrets.
Her ult is a huge nuke but I feel it's really iffy :/
This is all from my perspective from my first game (I went double doran kage raba)
I'm thinking WOTA would be insane on her. Maybe WotA Rylai?
I also think she could be really strong at top. Her E basically stops all engages on her.
:D For some reason when I see her I think she's Shyvana ._.
I thought that too. Same bodystyle, they run similarly, and in he fire skin she looks the same.
First champ I'll buy with RP on release. Only ever bought Vayne on the first day before and that was with 6300 IP.
Her utility is insane
I heard her ratios are kinda bad. Like .6 or something?
Makes up for her having a very minion-heavy kit.
Most champions near constant pets have some drawback like that.
Not as bad as heimer's ratios by any means though...
True but her Q would be useless :P
Nunu says hi.
I think this might be the first bundle I ever buy. She looks so fun and her release skin is awesome. :S
But man, the boobies become larger and larger in the league.
Seeds last 30 seconds
Plants last 10 i think