
Hello fellow readers, in this post I will discuss the several disables that will be avaiable in Swords of Darkness. You will probably recognise most of then from LoL but some are different and others are new. Well, let us get started already.

The Disables

Below I have listed all disables that will occur in Swords of Darkness:
Prevents all action for its duration.
As in League of Legends, the stun prevents the affected hero of performing any action for the duration. This includes movement, casting spells, using items, etc. Chatting is allowed though.

Prevents all movement, including movement spells.
The snare is the same as in LoL. The affected target cannot move for its duration but is allowed to cast spells, except for spells that will change the affected target's position.

Prevents the casting of any spells.
The silenced target cannot cast spells for the duration but is allowed to use items as opposed to in League of Legends.

Prevents all action for its duration. However, if the target takes any damage the sleep will end.
The sleep does not come up in League of Legends but it does in DotA. Sleep is the same as a stun but it can be ended before its duration is over if the affected target takes damage.

Prevents all action for its duration. Meanwhile the affected target will run away from the source of the fear.
The fear in SoD works different than in League of Legends. In this case, it is impossible to take on any actions just as with the stun. However, the affected target will run away from the source of the fear as opposed to LoL where the target runs around aimlessly.

A burn can be stacked three times. A target will remain burned for 2 seconds. Each stack has different consequences:
  1. The affected hero will take damage over time for 2 seconds; The total damage is equal to 6% of its maximum health.
  2. The affected hero will take damage over time for 2 seconds; The total damage is equal to 8% of its maximum health. Additionally, all healing and regeneration effects on the target hero are reduced in effectiveness by 35%.
  3. The affected hero will take damage over time for 2 seconds; The total damage is equal to 10% of its maximum health. Additionally, the hero is incapable of performing any action for the duration and will run around aimlessly. Also, all healing and regeneration effects on the target hero are reduced in effectiveness by 35%.

A burn is one of the disables that has to be applied multiple times in order to achieve its full potential. The third stack burn behaves practically the same as a fear in LoL.

NOTE: Applying a chill on a burned victim will remove one burn stack.

A chill can be stacked three times. A target will remain chilled for 3 seconds. Each stack has different consequences:
  1. The affected hero will have its movement speed reduced by 15% for 3 seconds, and its cooldowns will decrease 50% slower.
  2. The affected hero will have its movement speed reduced by 30% for 3 seconds, and its cooldowns will decrease 50% slower. Additionally, the casting time on all of the hero's abilities is increased by 50% with a minimum of 0.1 second.
  3. The affected hero will be prevented of taking on any action for 3 seconds. Meanwhile the affected hero is invulnerable and untargetable. Additionally, the affected hero's cooldowns will not decrease for the duration.

A chill is also a stackable disable which has to be applied multiple times in order to reach its full potential. There is no suitable comparison found in LoL, DotA or HoN.

NOTE: Applying a burn on a chilled victim will remove one chill stack.

The affected hero's movement- and attack speed are both cut in half.
The name and its effect are both derived from Lee Sin's ability Tempest / Cripple.

The affected hero is thrown into the air rendering it incapable of any actions. Knockups have the same effect as a stun.
Same as in League of Legends and the same as a stun.

The affected hero is thrown into a specified direction rendering it incapable of any actions for its duration. Knockback is similar to a stun.
Same as in League of Legends.

Movement/Attack speed is reduced.
Same as in League of Legends, nothing to explain here.

Well, that concludes the disables I guess. If you have any suggestions about current disables or if you have an idea for a new disable please say so in a comment.

Yours Sincerely,