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PykEugeo's avatar


Rank: User
Rep: Notable (6)
Status: Offline
Awards Showcase
Record_UserAchievement Object ( [record:protected] => Array ( [user_achievement_id] => 285347 [user_id] => 1056521 [achievement_id] => 289 [relation_type] => Build [relation_id] => 645879 [display_order] => 1 [is_hidden] => 0 [create_ts] => 2025-03-11 09:00:20 ) [getcache:protected] => [cache:protected] => Array ( ) ) 1
Record_UserAchievement Object ( [record:protected] => Array ( [user_achievement_id] => 285353 [user_id] => 1056521 [achievement_id] => 260 [relation_type] => Build [relation_id] => 616280 [display_order] => 2 [is_hidden] => 0 [create_ts] => 2024-03-11 16:30:05 ) [getcache:protected] => [cache:protected] => Array ( ) ) 1
Record_UserAchievement Object ( [record:protected] => Array ( [user_achievement_id] => 285368 [user_id] => 1056521 [achievement_id] => 272 [relation_type] => Build [relation_id] => 642653 [display_order] => 4 [is_hidden] => 0 [create_ts] => 2024-11-05 03:41:05 ) [getcache:protected] => [cache:protected] => Array ( ) ) 1
Record_UserAchievement Object ( [record:protected] => Array ( [user_achievement_id] => 285366 [user_id] => 1056521 [achievement_id] => 267 [relation_type] => Build [relation_id] => 616280 [display_order] => 5 [is_hidden] => 0 [create_ts] => 2024-07-14 13:19:29 ) [getcache:protected] => [cache:protected] => Array ( ) ) 1
Record_UserAchievement Object ( [record:protected] => Array ( [user_achievement_id] => 285367 [user_id] => 1056521 [achievement_id] => 269 [relation_type] => Build [relation_id] => 639103 [display_order] => 6 [is_hidden] => 0 [create_ts] => 2024-09-10 05:07:53 ) [getcache:protected] => [cache:protected] => Array ( ) ) 1
Record_UserAchievement Object ( [record:protected] => Array ( [user_achievement_id] => 285365 [user_id] => 1056521 [achievement_id] => 265 [relation_type] => Build [relation_id] => 635412 [display_order] => 7 [is_hidden] => 0 [create_ts] => 2024-05-09 07:28:57 ) [getcache:protected] => [cache:protected] => Array ( ) ) 1
Record_UserAchievement Object ( [record:protected] => Array ( [user_achievement_id] => 285361 [user_id] => 1056521 [achievement_id] => 241 [relation_type] => Build [relation_id] => 616280 [display_order] => 8 [is_hidden] => 0 [create_ts] => 2023-08-16 13:04:09 ) [getcache:protected] => [cache:protected] => Array ( ) ) 1
Show more awards
MOBAFire Raffle View this Month's Prize
Daily Log In 24
Guide Updates 40
Good Guide Scores 20
Great Guide Scores 40
Total Raffle Tickets 124

Summoner Info

Rell, Pyke, Kai'Sa
Support, Assassin, Marksman


My Guides
Twitch AP
Mel Sup
About Me
My Awards:

Hello, I'm ZPK PψkΣugeØ (my tag name means "Pyking" in Korean, instead ZPK stands for Zed, Pyke, and Kai'Sa, the main champions of our clan's founders), and I'm an Italian OTP Pyke player. I typically play champions that are playmakers, but I can also dabble with enchanters like Lulu and Janna. I love assassins in general, which is why I sometimes play LeBlanc, and recently, I've been enjoying playing AP-burst champions like Neeko.
I've been playing since Season 11, but due to my PC, I haven't ranked much (sometimes only playing 3-4 ranked games out of curiosity). Until I get a good gaming PC, I've been studying League of Legends extensively, learning everything I can. On August 8th, 2022, I came across a site where I started writing my first guide—on Pyke, of course.
So far, my guide has won three guide contests with my guide for Pyke, earning first place for Best Guide in Mid-Season 13, Season 14, and Mid-Season 14, the first one and only one to have won awards with Pyke. I've also won other contests, including Best Guide for Alistar. I really enjoy anime and love video games. I aspire to become an IT technician or a computer programmer.
Accounts: (EUW)
ZPK PψkΣugeØ
God Pyking #ZPK
Memorable Moments:
8/8/2022 - Joined the site! \o/

13/01/2023 - S13 Featured C. Winner ( Pyke)

8/8/2023 - 1 Year on MF!

16/08/2023 - S13 miniGC#3 Winner ( Pyke)

11/03/2024 - S14 GC Winner ( Pyke)

8/05/2024 - S14 miniGC#1 Winner ( Alistar)

8/07/2024 - S14 miniGC#2 Winner ( Pyke)

8/8/2024 - 2 Year on MF!

10/09/2024 - S14 miniGC#3 Winner ( LeBlanc)

05/11/2024 - S14 miniGC#4 Winner ( Twitch)

11/03/2025 - S1.25 GC Winner ( Mel)

I’m also active on social media, so feel free to follow me on Instagram, YouTube, and Twitch. Check out my videos, and if you enjoy them, please give them a like and subscribe to my YouTube channel!

Some Video

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide