casseopeia - Insanity. Her lane phase is unmatched. Her teamfight is unmatched. Arguably the most baron damage from any ap carry. For some reason people don't see it yet. When people say "vladimir has no counter", or "mordekaiser has no hard counter"... well I might throw casseopeia into the conversation. She's getting nerfed. play her while you can.

Vladimir - Although I said Cass is a possible counter to him, I haven't actually tested it out. That being said, Vladimir is completely OP right now. Slap a WotA on him and he goes crazy. He wins trades with pretty much everyone, and his late game is insanity, next to maybe Cass.

Sona - I don't know how to play her, but from what I've seen, She destroys bot lane, and she has the best teamfight ulti of any supports.

Rammus - His ganks are stupid good. Even though you know he's in the jungle, and you know how good his ganks are, he always manages to get successful ganks and effectively **** over your lane. Plus his late game is really scary with the tankiness and the taunting.

Ryze - Kinda like Vladimir, without the constant healing. Plus, you can actually build tanky and be even scarier. Even Vladimir can't do that as well. Even his early game isn't half bad. His harass is really good.

Lee Sin - Oh noes he got nerfed! Well people set out to prove that he was still good, and lo and behold, he still wrecks. In my opinion, he's the best jungler. Rammus is higher because of experiences overall and other people's opinions. I also main Lee Sin atm. =P

Sivir - She got that nerf but shes still extremely strong. It really was a fantastic remake for Sivir. Her lane phase is decent with bounce and boomerang. Plus her late game and teamfighting is really good.

Shyvana - No real cc, but holy **** her natural tankiness and her damage output are unmatched. Plus her jungle clear time is in the top three.

Gangplank - Global presence, some of the best harass in the game, and one of the scariest champs in the late game. Plus he has a natural cleanse, and a team buff that benefits everyone.

Irelia - She's just a very solid champ, and everyone knows it. good sustain, good damage, good late game, good lane. Not the best of the best, but very good.

Mordekaiser - hard to counter -cough casseopeia- but his ulti is great and with wota he is really freaking tanky.

Nidalee - She's the tanky bruiser, but her teamfighting is alright. I feel like her late game is good solo queue, but there are definitely better options. That being said, her lane phase is RIDICULOUS, and her skirmish fighting is unmatched.

Kassadin - He's not FOTM anymore, and I've seen a Kassadin player time and time again not do enough to make a big difference throughout the match. Mobility and burst damage are always good.

Ashe - The buffs were really nice and now she's actually usable in lane. Her late game was never a problem, it was just the early game that everyone had trouble with.

Akali - She hasn't been used so much lately, and I've noticed that she needs to get STUPID fed to carry like everyone says she can. Plus, Lee Sin and oracles are hard counters to her mid game. Still great harass, but meh.

Caitlyn - Ironically passive compared to most other bot lanes. Plus her lane damage is just average, and her late game signature is her single target ulti.

Sion - Great pusher, great burst damage, incredible mid game, but his late game is meh.

Cho'Gath - His laning is safe. His teamfighting is good cc, and his ult is obviously good. But he gets outlaned, and out-late-gamed all the time.

Corki - Apparently he's making a comeback. His early burst is good, and his poke is decent.

Singed - Oh how he's fallen from grace. The current solo top meta is super aggressive harass and Singed has a really hard time keeping up.

Olaf - He needs to risk too much to win his lane early on. Plus he is still somewhat squishy till way late game.

Leona - She's actually really good, just hard to fit in a team. Kill lane support is the best option, but hard to play.

Teemo - he just went unnoticed. But he's not actually good right now. Maybe if Rainman just brings it back...

Twitch - Ok not THE worst in the game, but not amazing, by any means. If one of the best way to build a champ is with Tiamat, I will forever be skeptical.

Viktor - The new worst champ in the game. hah. he has one form of utility which is good, but his damage and everything else sucks major.

Ziggs - wow his damage is stupidly good. Plus a long ranged ult that does a TON of damage.