Views: 1252 I officially didn't finish the guide in time... again...
So I basically didn't finish the production of my new top secret WIP off-meta guide in time for the Seasonal guide contest - just like in the last guide contest. Don't get me wrong, I made quite a progress since then, but I am still sad that I didn't make it in time. And don't get me started on my Support Kalista guide I was working on last year - just to never come back to it ever again. *sigh* I feel like every time I am writing a guide, I always enjoy the cool stuff (runes, builds, itemization, photoshopping banners) just to then end up scared away by the boring stuff (matchups, early-mid-late game, warding, video-editing, etc). Sadly, when I write a guide and all that boring stuff isn't there - I just don't feel good about it. It makes me feel like the guide is totally incomplete :/
Well, hopefully this year I shall be more determined than the last one...
Well, hopefully this year I shall be more determined than the last one...
I know the excitement that comes with doing the 'fun stuff', only to drop a project too soon. Just check here for some of the many banners I made that never saw the light of day.
Don't feel bad, you should be very proud of everything you've created here already!
Between all those guides I've had many moments where I couldn't get motivated to finish them, last guide contest I didn't get a lot of key parts of the guide in because I was struggling to make myself sit down and do it. Silver is right though, sometimes just taking a break for a bit will often bring you back with a lot of motivation, energy and ideas.
It happens to all of us (the ones it doesn't happen to are probably super human), writing up these guides can be a lot of fun but if you do too much at once - which is pretty normal with a contest coming up - you get burnt out very quickly. I've had it more times than I can remember and usually without any contest coming up, sometimes it's just random ideas I get for coding and by the time I've made it work I can't be bothered to fill it in!
Be proud of what you have done, guide makers like you and Silver have brought so much to the community. Taking breaks for real life stuff, burning out while making a guide and struggling to find motivation is all perfectly normal, so don't worry about it ♥
Knowing I am not the only guide creator going through this is actually very calming.