3rd Blog date 6/15/2012 Time 1:36 PM

Have you ever just gotten that one pro player who makes good calls in the middle of the game? Have you ever laned with him? Well I've gotten a few in games like today I got a Lux I can't seem to find his/her username and well she (I'll say she cause he/her played with Lux) was amazing she went 15/5/17 and she called her mia's, she warned us when someone was coming, and advised us when to fall back when needed. She told us who to target and who to chase. In my opinion we could not have won without her and I would like to say thank you to everyone out there who does everything they need to in a game and if you give me your username on League of Legends I will ad you to my next blog and put together a tribute to any pro player that helps win games.

(When I say send me your username I mean I'll check your match history and if 3/10 games are absolute perfect and meet the requirements below then I'll add you)

* Must not have fed
* Must be positive (meaning that if you have like 2/7/21) that would be positive
* Depending on what uild you have and if you met that build's requirements (meaning that if you played a carry and you carried you have met that build's requirements)