Views: 1468 Life Update

So I don't think I've ever posted a general update about my mundane life on a MOBAFire blog before, but since there are some pretty exciting things happening, I thought "why not start now?".
The one exciting (and somewhat stressful) thing in my life at the moment requires a bit of backstory. Probably a month ago, I'd guess, a friend suggested that I sign up for a casting call for a reality TV show. I didn't really expect it to go anywhere, but I signed up anyways (sort of as a joke). The premise of said show is that they pay for you to go see your online SO (and also pay you for being on their show), the catch being they film the two of you throughout the whole experience and that both of you have to be on American reality TV. The show is usually restricted to the US, but they want the next season to include international couples, so a producer called me back the next day. Since then I've talked to another producer more than a few times both over phone and Skype. She recently said the network was really interested in Nick and my story (after seeing a video she put together after talking to each of us about the other), I feel I can maybe talk about this now (though there is no confirmation of anything happening yet). Feel special, because this is actually the first place I've talked publicly about this whole thing. I'll update as this progresses and I can give more information about it if anyone is interested.
Aside from that, I'm mostly working and forcing myself to do things that reduce my stress level. I've been taking a break from League because it's a stressful thing in my life I can cut back on until things settle.
I don't have a lot else. If you have anything you want to ask me about, don't hesitate to ask.
I'd love to see this episode. Can you link it when its online? :D