Views: 2428 What's the Point of All These Guides?
You know, I never really talk about MOBAfail all that much in these things. Perhaps it's time to change that.
What's the point of all these guides here anyways?
I look around MOBAfail quite a bit and, honestly, I don't understand the need to have hundreds of guides about the same champion from which 90% of those guides all give:
1. Same rune setup.
2. Same masteries.
3. Same skill sequence order.
4. Same boring tips and descriptions of moves.
And to be honest, the reason for this is the voting system around these parts and the (lol) guide mentoring sections. Let's face it, anyone with half a brain knows where to go for build suggestions (anyone watch esports lately?). What makes you, the MOBAfailians, so qualified to give build advice over what's so freely and easily accessible to anyone willing to flip on a famous "He plays X role amazingly"'s stream? And even then, what's the point of all these guides when they're so cookie cutter/brain dead obvious tips/builds that pretty much equate to a drop of water to an endless black sea of ignorance?
I've never found myself clicking through MOBAfail guides once I got my grips on the game. Even before, the only guides I found myself looking through were troll guides and humor guides (magewick, AP yi, ect). For the longest time, and still going, I've looked at MOBAfail build rankings as nothing more than a beauty and/or popularity contest. I still do for the most part. It's why I don't actively participate in builds for this site (as well as partially being towards the "What more is there say" viewpoint.)
And guide critiquing is even more of a joke than anything else on this site. Why, do you ask? Well, if guides are supposed to be YOUR personal view of a champion, why the **** would you ask other people for advice on how to put together your guide via "Is my champion build/masteries/runes okay :3"? Design wise, I can sort of understand (beauty contest), but when you have to go to others to get approval on if your build looks good, you've no right to be posting that **** up if you don't have the faith in your own play style. That's just poor form.
And what's even more humorous to me is the constant flood of builds that get created when new champs come out. I mean, come the **** on, it's not even 1 hour when a champion hits PBE and we already got some losers drafting up guides for the champion. At this point, I'll learn more from the champion by loading up a bot game then I would searching through the cesspool that is MOBAfail guides up on here.
Let's face it; you guide makers are pointless. What you do is essentially done by every other average schmuck that plays this game (and they'll probably say what you're going to say better than you). And what's the point of you asking your crowd "What champ should I make a guide for next?" when essentially, it's going to be the same old **** said from the top 50 guides that already exist for a champion? You're comparable to the 50,000 books out there that aim to teach me how to make a grilled cheese sandwich. What's the point on reading all those when, after book 1,000, you start to catch on that they're all saying the same thing but with different wording.
You don't have anything unique/interesting/abstract to say about the champion. Don't kid yourself. It's why I barely have any comment to say about champions these days because if you can't figure out how a champion works after the first 5 minutes of sitting in a custom game on your own, you probably need to pay a hooker $5 to slap you across the face.
So to all you guide makers out there, Toshabi is not impressed.
And that's pretty much my viewpoint on you.
What's even more funny is when the top rated guide makes can barely scrape the bottom of gold. What the croc is up with that? I'm getting a grilled cheese now.
What's the point of all these guides here anyways?
I look around MOBAfail quite a bit and, honestly, I don't understand the need to have hundreds of guides about the same champion from which 90% of those guides all give:
1. Same rune setup.
2. Same masteries.
3. Same skill sequence order.
4. Same boring tips and descriptions of moves.
And to be honest, the reason for this is the voting system around these parts and the (lol) guide mentoring sections. Let's face it, anyone with half a brain knows where to go for build suggestions (anyone watch esports lately?). What makes you, the MOBAfailians, so qualified to give build advice over what's so freely and easily accessible to anyone willing to flip on a famous "He plays X role amazingly"'s stream? And even then, what's the point of all these guides when they're so cookie cutter/brain dead obvious tips/builds that pretty much equate to a drop of water to an endless black sea of ignorance?
I've never found myself clicking through MOBAfail guides once I got my grips on the game. Even before, the only guides I found myself looking through were troll guides and humor guides (magewick, AP yi, ect). For the longest time, and still going, I've looked at MOBAfail build rankings as nothing more than a beauty and/or popularity contest. I still do for the most part. It's why I don't actively participate in builds for this site (as well as partially being towards the "What more is there say" viewpoint.)
And guide critiquing is even more of a joke than anything else on this site. Why, do you ask? Well, if guides are supposed to be YOUR personal view of a champion, why the **** would you ask other people for advice on how to put together your guide via "Is my champion build/masteries/runes okay :3"? Design wise, I can sort of understand (beauty contest), but when you have to go to others to get approval on if your build looks good, you've no right to be posting that **** up if you don't have the faith in your own play style. That's just poor form.
And what's even more humorous to me is the constant flood of builds that get created when new champs come out. I mean, come the **** on, it's not even 1 hour when a champion hits PBE and we already got some losers drafting up guides for the champion. At this point, I'll learn more from the champion by loading up a bot game then I would searching through the cesspool that is MOBAfail guides up on here.
Let's face it; you guide makers are pointless. What you do is essentially done by every other average schmuck that plays this game (and they'll probably say what you're going to say better than you). And what's the point of you asking your crowd "What champ should I make a guide for next?" when essentially, it's going to be the same old **** said from the top 50 guides that already exist for a champion? You're comparable to the 50,000 books out there that aim to teach me how to make a grilled cheese sandwich. What's the point on reading all those when, after book 1,000, you start to catch on that they're all saying the same thing but with different wording.
You don't have anything unique/interesting/abstract to say about the champion. Don't kid yourself. It's why I barely have any comment to say about champions these days because if you can't figure out how a champion works after the first 5 minutes of sitting in a custom game on your own, you probably need to pay a hooker $5 to slap you across the face.
So to all you guide makers out there, Toshabi is not impressed.
And that's pretty much my viewpoint on you.
What's even more funny is when the top rated guide makes can barely scrape the bottom of gold. What the croc is up with that? I'm getting a grilled cheese now.
Like, chill dude. It's like you got some superiority complex or something, lol.
Whoops: it appears I broke it.
You're still unremarkable reputation.
How can someone suck this much and still exist on the same blog as me? Go climb a wall of ****s.
How does that make you feel? Actually, don't even answer that, because I refuse to read any more of your ignorance.
Get out of my estate this instant, you ignorant, lower class child. You're not even fit to lick my boots.
Since you're having troubles (and I'm feeling exceptionally generous -- or foolish, one of the two) understanding my intent here, I'll spell it out for you, in plain terms: I looked at the motive you had for writing this, and what you intended to do with it. Then I acted accordingly.
There are two kinds of writing: insightful and inciteful. This piece you've written falls in the second category, I'm afraid: you meant to piss people off, that much is clear in the wording of your entry. For example, you consistently refer to "MOBAFire" as "MOBAFail." Hardly a term of endearment, eh?
Perhaps I'm wrong. That's up to you to prove.
However, I cannot help but come to the defense of this site, because, for every thousand bad guides out there, there exists at least one well-written, orchestrated, detailed guide that rises to the top through the voting system, and, honestly, I have no qualms nor apologies for defending them. And, if you truly cared about making this place better, than you, too, would grab your weapon of choice and join the fray, but, until you do, you're just a man who has -- in the ideals of Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. -- "put on a suit of armor to attack a cupcake."
You misunderstand, young one. Go back over what I've written, use that brain of yours, and come to logical conclusions. Until then, you're nothing but a toy I get to pleasure myself with. ;)
So you came into this blog not to answer my question of "Whats the point of these guides", but to make a complete fool of yourself. You successfully did the internet comparison of a 7 year old child throwing themselves on the floor, crying and screaming that someone said the best pokemon in the world was not pikachu.
How does that make you feel? Actually, don't even answer that, because I refuse to read any more of your ignorance.
Get out of my estate this instant, you ignorant, lower class child. You're not even fit to lick my boots.
Hey look it's the same league-related cancer I've been seeing for the past 2 years!
If you don't like this site you didn't have to stick around for 4 years. Go to or whatever else you find "interesting", "useful" or "viable". No one is forcing you to say, and having a keyboard warrior fight with Gizladlo doesn't help your case.
So inquiring if we can have a bit of quality control suddenly makes me a cancer that's plaguing your game? What ignorance is this?
If you don't like this site you didn't have to stick around for 4 years. Go to or whatever else you find "interesting", "useful" or "viable". No one is forcing you to say, and having a keyboard warrior fight with Gizladlo doesn't help your case.
Considering the number of views on this site, it's quite apparent that the phenomenon does exist. Now if you wanna target the specific audience who writes guides when other good ones are apparent, perhaps they believe themselves to possess certain knowledge of a champion that wasn't written in the "better guide?"
If you wanna generalize all guide writers as a whole then it's literally like asking why tutors exist - because there's a target audience that requires the service.
Now, if you want to narrow the "guide writers" down to the certain population that spam mass guides that only present repetitive information, that's another case, in which I fully agree. Some people feel respected because they have pretty layouts and slap on basic information on the champion. I don't appreciate this because it diminishes the quality of guides on this site, but I don't see it as that big of a problem, which is why I don't act against it.
Since you had the time to write this post and comment on how you're going to be more active, I'm assuming you're actively seeking for a solution to the issue rather than just criticizing the situation?
And at the end of the day, all you ended up doing was putting on your big boy pants, throw a tantrum at me for my opinion and still fail to disprove my standpoint.
I think the real humor right here is how much you're trying so hard and how hard you're failing at all of this. But knowing you, this isn't something that's new for you to do. But hey, I loved your post, but it really could've used me "I'm a mafia man IRL and I shoot kittens for a living" in it. Or at least make it more obvious, because that's totally the vibe I'm getting from your tiny nipples.
You misunderstand, young one. Go back over what I've written, use that brain of yours, and come to logical conclusions. Until then, you're nothing but a toy I get to pleasure myself with. ;)
P.S. -- I really didn't have the time to respond to your obvious troll-bait. Hope you don't mind that you're not as important as you would like to believe.
And at the end of the day, all you ended up doing was putting on your big boy pants, throw a tantrum at me for my opinion and still fail to disprove my standpoint.
I think the real humor right here is how much you're trying so hard and how hard you're failing at all of this. But knowing you, this isn't something that's new for you to do. But hey, I loved your post, but it really could've used me "I'm a mafia man IRL and I shoot kittens for a living" in it. Or at least make it more obvious, because that's totally the vibe I'm getting from your tiny nipples.
No one is trying to be tough. People are trying to be real.
Though, your response shows that you've not the ability to debate my claims. Welcome to tool land. Population: You and my screw driver that I will be sticking up your honey buns.
Anyone else find amusement in the fact that you claim you're not trying to be tough, but then, in the next paragraph, you figuratively flex your muscles and threaten me with rape? Please note the difference between "amusement" and "hilarity." I don't think rape is funny.
Your post isn't so much trying to facilitate a discussion as it comes across as trash-tier stand-up comedy: What's the deal with MOBAFire having so many guides when they're all the same? Why do so many people post a new guide when a new champion comes out? Why are these people doing things that doesn't involve paying attention to me? Amirite guise?
Don't get me wrong: I'm laughing, but not necessarily with you.
P.S. -- I really didn't have the time to respond to your obvious troll-bait. Hope you don't mind that you're not as important as you would like to believe.
Is that the author's fault or the reader's though?
And whether or not that guide on x champion actually helps him, who knows. Just thought I'd throw it out there that guide authors are helping all sorts of people, and one among the hundreds of millions is my dad. So thank you to all the guide authors out there, for keeping my dad in the loop :)