30. WR. 53.3% KDA 1.38
( 4.8 /6.8/ 4.6 )
cs x m 6.3
Lets begin... I'm such a dog can't express it with words my mental is bad so I'm gonna need to work on it , the 30th game went badly ,I was going 2/3 and my support (lux) decided that she could take all my cs , I tilted and started running it down like going for ******ed plays not helping her in team fights and other , but then I saw an opportunity and got a triple kill 1v3 so I started playing again and won , my jungle was really good and carried it as well.
I cannot deal with the stress to play vs a yorick I win laying phase, yes? Someone is gonna give him the opportunity to kill them and you get outscaled after what ? 2 items even quicker its hard to kill him w boots and 1 item.
I'm really bad at garens like I'm getting baited and well I die.
Sion matchup is something else , like idk sions in silver are bad af so I won every game vs a sion for now.
No ranged top laners so far , hm idk why but in those 10 games my cs went worse than previously so I'm gonna need to work on them a lot.
Well I'm gonna watch my vods to get better at trading.
Future goals:
Have 75 wr in the arc of 100 games I can lose max 11 games in the next 70 xd
being more patient
knowing the limits of my champ
tower dive
better map awareness
cya in 10 games
My mmr got better : from 14/15 x win to 16/17 x win , losses are the same -31