About This Team Comp
Anima Squad

Team Carries

Recommended Augments

Stage 2
Play 3 Anima Squad to start farming Stacks and use Jinx as your item dump for Miss Fortune. With early Anima Squad Emblem you want to play 5 Anima Squad asap.
Stage 3
Should be Level 6 in Stage 3-2. If you have Emblem you want to push for Level 7 in Stage 3-5 and field 7 Anima Squad if possible. Emblem usually goes on Alistar or Ekko.
stage 4
Should be Level 7 in Stage 4-1. Play 7 Anima Squad and use the power spike to push for a quick Level 8 in Stage 4-5. Look for Ekko and Legendary units like Urgot and Fiddlesticks.
Stage 5+
With Emblem you can stay on 7 Anima Squad if you have a lot of stacks. Otherwise you should cut back to 5 or even 3 Anima Squad in late game and replace the weaker parts of your team with strong legendary units like Fiddlesticks or Urgot. Try to collect Riven*3 as an additional win condition, especially if you have her Hero Augment.
Item Builds
Miss Fortune usually likes to run 1 mana item like Shojin (or Manazane) together with either two damage items or 1 sustain item. Riven takes all of your tank items, you should try to 3 star her as an additional win condition. Anima Squad Emblem usually goes on Ekko/Fiddle/Urgot/Sejuani.
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