About This Team Comp
Once you have your 3 Stars you can push towards Level 8 and add 4 Warden with Illaoi/Amumu or Nautilus/Sett. If you don't Senna*3 you can transfer the items to Ashe*2 in late game.
Gnar Senna Duo Carry

Team Carries

Recommended Augments

Stage 2
Maximize economy, collect core units like Reksai, Gnar, Jax. Can also pick up Caitlyn/Senna/Aatrox.
Stage 3
Push for Level 6 and roll down to 30 gold to stabilize and survive Stage 3. Recover economy after.
Stage 4
Can roll down in Stage 4-2 with Level 6 if you are close to hitting Gnar. Otherwise you can push for Level 7 and slow roll for remaining units. Give remaining AD items to Senna.
Stage 5+
Once you have your 3 Stars can push towards Level 8. If you only have Senna*2 you can transfer items to Ashe and run 4 Warden with Amumu. Can also add Nautilus/Sett as additional Wardens.
Alternative Item Builds
Gnar makes good use of Death Defiance to get faster stacks and can also take Infinity Edge since he ends up with very high AD values. If you don't have Senna 3 you can give items to Ashe.
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