About This Team Comp
The most important part to remember about this comp is that YORICK DOES NOT CARE FOR AP. His scaling purely comes from HP. This means he wants items like Redemption, Warmog, Anima Visage or a Bruiser/Dryad Emblem. Items like Archangel/Rabadon/Titan's Resolve are completely useless on him. You can give him either Bloodthirster or Gunblade for sustain, later into the fight he will deal insane damage to the enemy team and can easily heal himself back up.
As for reroll, while you want to collect 6 Behemoth, you don't really care about any of the other 3 Stars. This comp pretty much wants to find Yorick*3 with Level 6 between Stage 3-2 and 4-2 and push for levels once you have him. In late game you can cap out your board with Morgana/Sett/Udyr as additional carries.
Hero Yorick Carry

Team Carries

Recommended Augments

Stage 2
This comp requires Midnight Siphon Augment for Yorick, so you usually only commit on this comp if you find it in Stage 2-1
Stage 3
Push for Level 6 in Stage 3-2, should have Yorick*2 at this point. While you can roll for other units like Shen/Thresh etc, they aren't really necessary, you only care for Yorick 3 Star. Slow roll your interest for Yorick and Behemoth.
Stage 4
Should have Yorick*3 in Stage 4-2. Once you have him push for Level 7and add 7 Behemoth
Stage 5+
Push towards Level 8/9. Either run Alune or Sett for 2 Umbral. Can setup Morgana/Udyr/Sett as secondary carries.
Alternative Item Builds
DO NOT GIVE YORICK AP, he only wants HP items and 1 sustain items since he will deal considerably damage later into the fight. He should have enough defensive stats from Behemoth trait anyways. Anime Visage is the best item you can find for him.
If you find either Bruiser or Dryad Emblem you can completely swap your comp and go deep into either trait. Yorick has extremely good HP scaling with his Hero Augment.
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