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Total ANNIALATION (Feat. Jinx) Patch 10.24

Sovereign Kitten's TFT Build Comp | Last updated on November 28, 2020
31 Votes

About This Team Comp

This specific composition uses Jinx as the main powerhouse, backed up with everyone else and their CC / Distraction.

It works like this... Jinx auto attacks, charges her stun. The stun bounces and hits 3 targets, Jeweled Gauntlet allowing her to critical strike, which is also a splash AoE which can bounce back and forth between two champions 3 times each in close proximity this will annihilate grouped squishy and tanky compositions, since it is over 1000 AP.

I have easily, and effortlessly reached Platinum in very little effort with this composition, every single game, with or without a SS chosen.

It has, however, been significantly nerfed in ricochet, as it used to be 6, and damage, but still offers a solid build if you manage to get it.

You are looking to raise your income to 50 throughout the early game til 4-4 carousal. You never reroll even if you are desperate.

You will then level up with excess gold looking for all the core champions needed. If you don't get SS don't worry you just need to make sure you get Jinx level 2 with Shojin.

It's great because it has 3 fallback plans. Keeper 6 or Warlords. Sharpshooter is obviously the ideal, but you can't ever force it.

6 SharpSHOOTER, Dusk, keeper.

This composition uses Riven, 3 Keepers to fully shield everyone including Azir's Sentinels while prioritizing Riven who will absolutely destroy as a front liner, making sure to keep Jinx in the back line, rolling out a constant barrage of stuns that will prevent your opponents from doing anything significantly useful. 

It will counter every other composition currently due to the damage output and permanent stunning it applies, while also preventing anyone from getting into the backline due to Azir's Sentinels blocking the lower left side while Jinx, Teemo or a Chosen Sharpshooter is placed in the corner.

One thing to be noted is this is only really viable if you obtain SharpShooter early on as a chosen, if you don't it's near impossible to force.

But if you do manage to get someone like Jinx as Chosen, you're going to have a field day. If you don't need CC prevention you can change to a RapidFire Cannon or Giant Slayer for more damage.

The downside is obviously she is going to have problems if they take Aatrox or have a lot of slows, in which case, switch her and place another sharpshooter in her place an on the far side of the board. This will prioritize these champions over her, allowing for her to be protected by the sentinels and far from CC.

Azir is the hard turning point in which you will steamroll. You should be losing a lot up until you acquire him, in which you really start to fill out the composition.

Your final champion is going to be either Elise or Kennen to complete the front line with 4/4 keepers.

What you're looking for is one of your Sharpshooters to be placed on the left side, the two empty spaces are replaced with Sentinels. This forms a protective barrier for Jinx an enough time an CC to get her rolling. If you run Keepers, replace Vayne next to Riven and put her in the corner as Teemo and Nidalee are core to protecting Jinx. This comp can easily get you to Platinum with very little effort aside from RNG being a factor, or the fact that people are only now picking up this comp.

Recommended Anomalies
Sunfire Cape
Ionic Spark
Jarvan IV
Jarvan IV
Azir's Sand Soldier
Azir's Sand Soldier
Azir's Sand Soldier
Azir's Sand Soldier
Zeke's Herald
Zeke's Herald
Spear of Shojin
Jeweled Gauntlet
Rabadon's Deathcap

Team Carries

Sunfire Cape
Ionic Spark
Zeke's Herald
Zeke's Herald
Spear of Shojin
Jeweled Gauntlet
Rabadon's Deathcap


While I still prefer the Keeper / Jinx composition, this is the newer alternative to playing her with less of a late game hassle utilizing both Sejuani as a front liner front and center with Thresh and Azir's Sentinels near the back to block off Jinx and friends from moving or being hit by assassins, keeping them in place to focus them first if there are no targets in sight.

  • Sejuani
    Sunfire Cape
    Gargoyle Stoneplate
    Ionic Spark
  • Thresh
  • Azir
  • Jinx
    Spear of Shojin
    Jeweled Gauntlet
    Rabadon's Deathcap
  • Jhin
    Zeke's Herald
    Zeke's Herald
  • Teemo
  • Nidalee
  • Vayne

The Early game

The early game is really nothing to be concerned with, you're basically wanting to lose the early game right up until stage (3)-4 or (4) guaranteeing your extremely important item being Shojin, and defensive items to prevent Jinx and Riven from being disrupted. This also allows you to instantly grab Azir if he is available upon (4)-4 Carousal which saves you the hassle of trying to find hin with a 1% - 6% chance later on.

You'll be hitting up Garen and Wukong or Tahm Kench and Maokai for a solid front line with your back line sharp shooters. You're trying to lose but not too much, unless you get level 2's early or a Sharpshooter chosen which isn't bad, but can be a huge problem especially if you can't find your items early game / mid game.

If you acquire a Sejuani, replace either Garen or Wukong as her front line AoE stun can really slow down how much damage you take. You're really looking to play the economy at (3)-5 with 50+ excess gold, rerolling if you need to level your characters or level up steadily while picking up ones that show.

Ideally you're looking to hit level 9, while never rerolling for champions. The very second you find Azir, the comp really starts to kick into gear.

  • Garen
    Sunfire Cape
  • Thresh
  • Teemo
  • Jinx
    Spear of Shojin
  • Nidalee
  • Vayne

WarLord garen and Jinx

This comp uses a similar style of the previous comp, but instead uses Garen as a frontline monster if he is the chosen Warlord. This can also work with other warlords like Katarina but really what you're looking for is Garen and Jinx as both the front line raid boss and back line stunner / shredder. 

Garen is practically un-killable unless he is perma stunned, but the thing is he is heavy on the magic defense, physical defense and pumps out a terrifying amount of damage, Sejuani and friends keep the enemies stunned and his HP up with shields and knock backs / ups. 

Items are crucial in this build otherwise it just won't preform well at all. 

  • Garen
    Sunfire Cape
    Bramble Vest
  • Sejuani
  • Jinx
    Spear of Shojin
    Jeweled Gauntlet
    Rabadon's Deathcap
  • Thresh
  • Katarina
  • Jarvan IV
    Jarvan IV
  • Azir
  • Nidalee


Just like with the main build the comp utilizes Jinx and Riven as the main 2 Carries. If you cannot find Sharpshooters and end up finding a keeper as chosen especially Riven, Jarvan or Keenan then you can switch your composition around for 6 keeper and 4 Sharp Shooters. The same type of formation is used in every comp.

  • Riven
    Sunfire Cape
    Ionic Spark
  • Jinx
    Spear of Shojin
    Jeweled Gauntlet
    Rabadon's Deathcap
  • Elise
  • Nidalee
  • Teemo
  • Jhin
  • Jarvan IV
    Jarvan IV
  • Kennen
  • Azir

Alternative Items

If you can't get all the items for Jinx you can add in an extra Shojin or even a Giant Slayer. If you get SharpShooter 6, place the Chalice of power or Zeke's on Jhin.

  • Jinx
    Spear of Shojin
    Jeweled Gauntlet
    Giant Slayer
  • Jinx
    Spear of Shojin
    Spear of Shojin
    Jeweled Gauntlet
  • Nidalee
    Chalice of Power
    Chalice of Power

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No_Vaseline | November 28, 2020 8:47am
I have a hard time trying to get half the champ needed to make this comp work.
Sovereign Kitten (88) | November 28, 2020 8:11pm
Well the game mode overall is pretty RNG. It happens especially with most comps stealing Jinx / Nidalee and Riven for theirs but it works when it works. Unfortunate but you can't truly force anything.
L3vy | November 25, 2020 8:39am
re , what can i say ? This is the winning compo !!! One thing i want to mention what to do vs aatrox teams (He pull jinx to the middle) and what about mage teams they can one shot you with a double ahri R ?
Sovereign Kitten (88) | November 25, 2020 1:08pm
I mention that Aatrox will only target the far side champions so you'd swap her with the one next to sentinel.
Ahri is all about if you get a Keeper Riven or not, she can deal with her.
Guoblide (3) | November 9, 2020 4:36pm
I would assume the one and only Sovereign Kitty would have Teemo as his main carry:)
Sovereign Kitten (88) | November 9, 2020 5:00pm
Teemo strong as hell XD
jtrsp | November 13, 2020 12:30am
Captain Teemo on duty~
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L3vy | November 2, 2020 10:17am
One Irelia and ur comp is lost
Sovereign Kitten (88) | November 2, 2020 4:01pm
Irelia can't reach Jinx. Duel is useless unless they have a level 2 chosen Yone the only other counter is Talon Enlighten.
Irelia doesn't focus the backline, she turns to face Riven once before being chained CC'd.

Please don't assume things.
I've never had a problem with her, just Yone if you don't take QS.
jtrsp | November 13, 2020 2:21am
what about rapid fire blue buff Lee?
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