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Stream - Support

Creator: DjurkoLoL January 15, 2015 11:16am
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DjurkoLoL's Forum Avatar
Nov 17th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 15, 2015 11:16am | Report
Hello there guys, I just wanted to present my stream.

I'm a main support and I stream on my smurf. The idea of the stream is to destroy the belief that "you can't carry as supp at low elo, it's pretty much 50-50". I think that is an idiotic statement and I show it on stream.

So if you guys like the support role, come see me I'm not a pro or anything, but maybe you can learn a trick or two if you're at low elo yourself.

The stream is in english, i do my best, but it's not my first language.

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