In the dark forests north of Noxus, there’s nothing more dangerous than this little girl.
Annie's updated lore is revealed along with a 7 minute cinematic! Be sure to check out the links below for more content regarding Annie's new place in Runeterra.
From now until February 6 at 8:00 AM PT, Annie content, new and old, is available in the store. Riot is opening the vaults for all legacy Annie skins, and have created two unique summoner icons to commemorate the release of her story.
[quote=PsiGuard][center][img= width=650]
In the dark forests north of Noxus, there’s nothing more dangerous than this little girl.[/center]
[[Annie]]'s updated lore is revealed along with a 7 minute cinematic! Be sure to check out the links below for more content regarding Annie's new place in Runeterra.
[columns][nextcol width=550][center][embed=][/center]
[nextcol width=350][list]
[*] [url=]ANNIE: Behind the Scenes[/url]
[*] [url=]The Art of ANNIE: Origins[/url]
[*] [url=]New Bio: Annie[/url]
From now until [b]February 6 at 8:00 AM PT[/b], Annie content, new and old, is available in the store. Riot is opening the vaults for all legacy Annie skins, and have created two unique summoner icons to commemorate the release of her story.
[columns width=450][center][h2]Summoner Icons:[/h2]
[td padding=5][img= width=75]
250 RP | 1500 BE[/td]
[td padding=5][img= width=75]
250 RP | 1500 BE[/td]
[nextcol][center][h2]Legacy Skins:[/h2][/center]
[*] [[Red Riding Annie]]: 520 RP
[*] [[Annie in Wonderland]]: 1820 RP
[*] [[Prom Queen Annie]]: 520 RP
[*] [[FrankenTibbers Annie]]: 975 RP
[*] [[Sweetheart Annie]]: 750 RP
In the dark forests north of Noxus, there’s nothing more dangerous than this little girl.
Annie's updated lore is revealed along with a 7 minute cinematic! Be sure to check out the links below for more content regarding Annie's new place in Runeterra.
From now until February 6 at 8:00 AM PT, Annie content, new and old, is available in the store. Riot is opening the vaults for all legacy Annie skins, and have created two unique summoner icons to commemorate the release of her story.
Summoner Icons:
250 RP | 1500 BE
250 RP | 1500 BE
Legacy Skins: