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Kayn Build Guide by LordZeta1313

Top Choose your Demise (kayn top build)

Top Choose your Demise (kayn top build)

Updated on January 29, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LordZeta1313 Build Guide By LordZeta1313 32 6 66,038 Views 5 Comments
32 6 66,038 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author LordZeta1313 Kayn Build Guide By LordZeta1313 Updated on January 29, 2019
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Rako007 (14) | November 30, 2018 2:54pm
Hello there LordZeta1313!
its not nice build its super great build, i wanted to ask you few questions what is better rhaast or shadow assassin??? And which runes can work on kayn with this build beside those that are alredy in build???, anyway about guide its really nice i really like it.
LordZeta1313 | December 1, 2018 6:28pm
Rako007 wrote:
Hello there LordZeta1313!
its not nice build its super great build, i wanted to ask you few questions what is better rhaast or shadow assassin??? And which runes can work on kayn with this build beside those that are alredy in build???, anyway about guide its really nice i really like it.

Rhaast is better all-around, but that is simply because SA cannot function when behind. If you are fed (4+ kills with only 1-2 deaths) SA can do as well as Rhaast if not better. Dark Harvest works well on Kayn in general, with its rework it also works for Kayn top. The Runes in this build are semi-outdated, with celerity being reworked to not give AD anymore, and DH being reworked to outclass any other rune for Kayn.
LTR Flare | November 28, 2018 1:08pm
Nice build
LordZeta1313 | November 28, 2018 1:18pm
LTR Flare wrote:
Nice build


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LordZeta1313 | October 15, 2018 7:29am
The lethality on youmuu's and edge of night doesn't stack...

i am pretty sure it does. lethality is the name of a stat which the item grants not an item effect like spellblade. the unique passive part only triggers when you buy two of the same item. buying two duskblades only gives you 21 lethality but buying a duskblade and a Edge of Night would give you 39 lethality. so buying an Edge of Night and a Youmuu's Ghostblade would give you 36 lethality. so in fact this does give you the full amount of lethality. the actives also lend themselves well to the playstyle of shadow assassin kayn. in fact, with all three Serrated Dirk items ( Duskblade of Draktharr, Youmuu's Ghostblade, Edge of Night) and triggering Sudden Impact, you will have the second highest lethality in the game at 64. the only way to get more than this is to buy another [serrated dirk]] on top of this giving you 74. BTW this is the first comment that someone has posted on one of my guides so thanks! if there is anything i can do to improve please tell me!
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