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its not nice build its super great build, i wanted to ask you few questions what is better rhaast or shadow assassin??? And which runes can work on kayn with this build beside those that are alredy in build???, anyway about guide its really nice i really like it.
its not nice build its super great build, i wanted to ask you few questions what is better rhaast or shadow assassin??? And which runes can work on kayn with this build beside those that are alredy in build???, anyway about guide its really nice i really like it.
Rhaast is better all-around, but that is simply because SA cannot function when behind. If you are fed (4+ kills with only 1-2 deaths) SA can do as well as Rhaast if not better. Dark Harvest works well on Kayn in general, with its rework it also works for Kayn top. The Runes in this build are semi-outdated, with celerity being reworked to not give AD anymore, and DH being reworked to outclass any other rune for Kayn.
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i am pretty sure it does. lethality is the name of a stat which the item grants not an item effect like spellblade. the unique passive part only triggers when you buy two of the same item. buying two duskblades only gives you 21 lethality but buying a duskblade and a