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Mentor Thread

Creator: PsiGuard May 7, 2016 12:57pm

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KuuHaKu_OtgmZ's Forum Avatar
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Sep 23rd, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 30, 2018 8:53am | Report
Summoner name: OTGMZ KuuHaKu
Server: BR
Rank: Season 8 Silver
Main role: ADC
Main champions: Jhin
Contact method: E-mail, WhatsApp, PM, Discord, Twitch
Other information: Main and almost mono Jhin, it will be a pleasure to help or answer your questions, for replay analysis please send me an e-mail (send a message asking for e-mail) with .mp4 recorded match.
Make sure to check my guides!
<Retired Admin>
PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 30, 2018 12:13pm | Report
Added you to the list KuuHaKu, thanks.
Thanks to Fatelblade for the sig!
AsuraPL's Forum Avatar
Oct 14th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 31, 2018 5:15am | Report
Summoner name: IVG Kurou / IVG Asura
Server: SEA Server
Rank: S7 Diamond 4, S8 Diamond 3
Main role(s): ADC, secondary Jungle.
Main champion(s): Kai'Sa, Jhin, Tristana, Twitch
Preferred contact method: Discord (preferred) or PMs. Send me your discord username in PMs to let me know who to add.

Other information: Mained Kai'Sa immediately after release till now. I play quite an aggressive playstyle, and I can teach general and jungle-specific macro. I have over 750k mastery points on Twitch (my previous main champ). Looking to help relatively experienced players up their game; ranked Gold and above. For quick tips, tricks or questions, just shoot me a PM.

If you're looking to have a chat at length, feel free to PM me your Discord username.
xTedxBundyxLoL's Forum Avatar
Feb 18th, 2019
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 18, 2019 10:37pm | Report
Emmilee wrote:
Hello everyone!
I am new to all of this. I am trying to learn the game so I can impress my husband. He only ever plays ARAM. My problem is, I have only really ever played Summoners with Cho and Warwick... I feel like when I hop into ARAM I am no good D: Please help!
I've mostly only played 5v5 since 2013, when I play aram or the other game modes, I feel like it literally made me lose IQ . Like it just messed up everything ive been working on lol. So I stay away form it, but I just wanted to put my lil two cents in xD
SolidxGx's Forum Avatar
Mar 31st, 2019
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 31, 2019 6:15pm | Report
Summoner name: SolidxGx (complete noob here)
Rank: iron something lol
Main role(s): dont know. i like all but support
Main champion(s): no main but i would like to main fiora zoe riven or talon
Preferred contact method: here is fine to start


Do you have a mic? yes

What is your typical ping? 120ish

What times do you normally play? 9-10 pm eastern america time

Edit: im not trying to go pro but i would like to get out iron. and im just looking into items and how to adapt builds but i havent seen any good tuts on them
KuuHaKu_OtgmZ's Forum Avatar
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Sep 23rd, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 31, 2019 6:37pm | Report
SolidxGx wrote:
Summoner name: SolidxGx (complete noob here)
Rank: iron something lol
Main role(s): dont know. i like all but support
Main champion(s): no main but i would like to main fiora zoe riven or talon
Preferred contact method: here is fine to start


Do you have a mic? yes

What is your typical ping? 120ish

What times do you normally play? 9-10 pm eastern america time

Edit: im not trying to go pro but i would like to get out iron. and im just looking into items and how to adapt builds but i havent seen any good tuts on them

Although I'm a main Jhin player, if you're only looking for coaching on how to properly adapt your build to various matchups I'd be glad to help you. Feel free to PM me if you're up!
Make sure to check my guides!
alixroe's Forum Avatar
Nov 10th, 2019
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 12, 2019 2:04pm | Report
Not sure if this thread is still alive, but I will post just incase :D

Summoner name: alixroe
Server: NA
Rank: Unranked
Main role(s): Mid / ADC / Support
Main champion(s): Ahri / Ashe / Leona / Xayah
Preferred contact method: Discord (Alix#1294), League Chat, or here is fine (Open to other options too) :P


Do you have a mic?
- Yes
What is your typical ping?
- 50ish
What times do you normally play?
- Everyday after class or work. During the week I can be on later 9:00PM onward Eastern Time, and the weekends I am pretty much free all day or night unless I have plans

I just started playing league in August 2019 and I have been pretty timid when it comes to trying normals and ranked games. I have a friend who is Diamond and used to be GrandMaster,he has been trying to mentor me but he usually only plays support, so I'd like to perhaps train with someone who can mentor me with Mid or ADC :) I realize the ranked season is pretty much done, so I would be looking to start training for the 2020 season. :D
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