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Hey Guys Amity Here! Check me out

Creator: Amityoce July 2, 2020 7:37pm
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Jun 18th, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 2, 2020 7:37pm | Report
Support/JG main peaked 800lp challenger s9

You can find me at Twitch/amityoce or youtube/amityoce

I have a soraka/janna/lulu and evelynn guide on mobafire you can check if you main sup/eve or want to learn them

have done unranked-chall no duo in the past.

unranked-diamond autofill different roles no duo in less then a week.

Have been Offered to play semi pro in my region in the past.

Im here to offer free advice,game play knowledge, coaching. I have played in every elo except well iron, I know what the climb is like from unranked-challenger I know the type of people out there and I want to give free support help lane advice guidance, Itemisation proper runes,Build paths, How to play early/mid/late game, Objective controls, where and how to ward.

If you ever feel frustrated/stuck need guidance and help please feel free to pop by my stream

The biggest thing I have found from coaching is the little things people do even in diamond, where they are greedy try to die saving a team mate, how they prioritise playing the map when they get a kill, how they clear jungle camps. All these little things add up.

Things I can help with is mental, Dealing with Inter's
How to transition leads across the map.
How to close out games.
How to deal with pesky Laners
And Im super Friendly ^_^

S9 Challenger Support/jg main Bringing you game changing revolutionary guides to help and assist you climb elo FAST!

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