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Zed Build Guide by GreenReapers

Middle [14.24] The truth lies in darkness|In Depth Zed Guide

Middle [14.24] The truth lies in darkness|In Depth Zed Guide

Updated on December 13, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GreenReapers Build Guide By GreenReapers 88 3 254,755 Views 14 Comments
88 3 254,755 Views 14 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author GreenReapers Zed Build Guide By GreenReapers Updated on December 13, 2024
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GreenReapers (1) | January 27, 2025 8:04am
I intend to keep this guide on a hiatus, as I am currently on a break from league, until conditions improve. Thus I can't research and test builds accordingly.
Once I return to league I will start to continuously update. Still, feel free to look over the gameplay tips, as they will most likely stay relevant!
tkzeddog | November 13, 2024 9:42pm
Tks so much for this guide, I do have one question though, how do you get more game time as zed. when I play, zed got banned all the time and I barely got a chance to play zed. How do you deal with this problem. Tks ahead
GreenReapers (1) | November 13, 2024 11:46pm
Hey there!
Unfortunately that's the bane of Zed's existence. He pretty much always has a high banrate, especially in lower elo's, as he's frustrating to play against.
If you just want to practice going for quickplay is your best bet. For draft there's not much you can do about it and you should always have one or two other picks you can rely on, as a general rule.
TG GROX | November 3, 2024 3:50am
Heya i got a question what do you permaban as zed? what do you recommend banning atleast?
GreenReapers (1) | November 3, 2024 11:35am
Generally I ban what's strong in the meta.
Sylas and Akali, maybe Diana, are good bans currently, as they're relatively popular right now and can stomp Zed hard. Don't get me wrong though! These matchups are managable if you've got enough practice!

Banning Anivia for example won't do you any good, as her pick rate is minimal and when being picked is either played by someone who just picked her to counter you, meaning they don't know the matchup or one of the OTP's you'd see once every two hundred games. Bad matchup, but statistically bad ban.

Basically, just pick what you think is the most annoying thing with a pickrate of over ~3-4% to go up against and ban that. Hope this helps!
Sovereign Kitten (88) | October 26, 2024 5:32am

Sorry for the late Review!

Hey GreenReapers. I know it's been a long time coming, just had to distance myself from Mobafire / League for a while and reflect on where I wanted to forward my hobbies and efforts as it was becoming very mentally stressful. But I'm back now!

So remember back when I mentioned you in the post regarding how to format your guide to be very simple, straight forward and detailed without overwhelming the viewer, we're going to start off with the cheat sheet, to help you understand it a bit more in detail. I'll use examples to help through that process, not going to try to confuse you without giving visual aids.

First and foremost

You don't need to be a artistic genius to design banners or visuals. I just worked very hard at my content and eventually had an actual designer reach out to pay it forward with assets because they were really grateful to all the work I've put in over the last 11 years, which I then compiled together to make my own rough banners, which I think came out pretty damn good!

So long as you have a genuine drive to improve what you have here, you can only do better and slowly work your way towards improving things one step at a time. Don't expect to have everything perfect in a day or week, these things take months and sometimes years with many revisions and changes. I've never bothered with Mobile editing, too much headache. Haha
Cheat Sheet
When it comes to the base guide, I can't help but think that you're a little bit too close to replicating what the original LEGACY of Mobafire guides used to look like. A black background which didn't really look all that visually appealing. My opinion would be to keep it default, don't use background tables and start with the fresh canvas of the normal websites style. Example
Guide Body
I'd definitely go back through your base body text and reword some paragraphs. It's a real irk to me when I see this:

This would be my take on rewording, condensing and simplifying your explaination, with plenty of room to spare, without leaving long blank spaces, if you wanted to say a few more things to fill out the table. Hope this helps!

GreenReapers (1) | October 27, 2024 8:54am
Hi Cat, thanks for reviewing my guide and no worries about being late, put your health first! :D

I'll just put everything I want to say into a spoiler, so It won't be too long in the comment section.

click for reply

All in all: Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I'll try to look out for more formatting changes in future updates! (also i'll add you to my special thanks :3)
Sovereign Kitten (88) | October 27, 2024 11:42am
No worries, it's all relatively opinions to be taken as you wish.

Yeah that took me a while to figure out some good contrasting colors, anything that isn't blindingly high in brightness is fine, you can make a lot of things pop out gently, rather than flash-banging the viewers so long as it's in the spectrum of (Blue, Purple, Pink, Orange) you definitely don't want to go crazy with it, turning everything into a rainbow showcase.

You don't really need to be a native speaker. It's just an irk, if you can formulate a paragraph you don't want it to become a wall of text, nor do you want so many spaces. You can make it as neat and full as you can, without leaving a big blank space at the end. Ew ->
Fruxo (334) | October 11, 2024 10:41am
Hey there GreenReapers,
You asked for a guide review from this thread, so here it is, sorry for the long wait.

click for review
GreenReapers (1) | October 13, 2024 4:19am
Hello Fruxo. Thank you for taking the time to write me a review. Its nice to have someone who actively writes guides give their 2 cents, as my friends who I occasionally ask are not that proficient with the site. :D
Please see to my answers below on some of your statements I want to touch on! I have also colored a short description of what I've updated. I'd love to hear your opinion on these!

my thoughts
Fruxo (334) | October 13, 2024 5:42am
Hello, here's a quick spoiler of my thoughts to your reply just now.

my thoughts
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Sp1ntreX | July 31, 2024 11:36am
This guide its what all new zed players like me wants,explanation like this its hard to find,only from
fiddlezahar.I learn so much from this guide and help me with some issues.Nice work man <3!!!
GreenReapers (1) | August 1, 2024 4:25am
Aw thank you for the nice words :D
If I ever get around to finally finishing the combo section I'll update the guide to the current patch xd
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