It was fun to read but I don't agree with a lot of it :p
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
Twodotsoveri wrote:
Just FYI I didn't make it, I just found it and wanted to share it since some builds was completely OK. Not saying everything was perfect
Hum... I see. Well, if we had the photoshop project, we could change some things and delete the tank guides xD
Twodotsoveri wrote:
Just FYI I didn't make it, I just found it and wanted to share it since some builds was completely OK. Not saying everything was perfect
is /v stuff. You know /v, LoL general sucks, they all think they're pro wile 98% of them is raging noobs. also trip***s
Shen does need a buff ! Bad ..
And amumu is op .the guide is right I you know how to flash ult you win games .
Shen will be getting some buffs in the next patch, according to Jun (no further details).
Amumu is not OP, he's just one of the strongest tanks at the moment. He's working as intended, and any significant nerf would probably make him non-viable. That said, he's one of the top bans atm and the other tanks could use some subtle buffs to bring them up to his level if you ask me. Which you shouldn't, because I'm not a balance expert.
Thanks to Nyoike for the sig!
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This pic.... Removes the need of guides :D