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Looking for Lee Sin mentor

Creator: CptNerd October 31, 2011 3:05pm
CptNerd's Forum Avatar
Oct 31st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 31, 2011 3:05pm | Report
Hi, I play on the US server, I'm just about to hit level 20.
I have a lot of experience theory-crafting from world of warcraft, and also the experience of
playing a rogue, which I believe helps my lee sin play (shadowstep anyone?)
I usually jungle, but I would like to learn how to play lee sin laning as well (since I seem to fail miserably every time I attempt to do it). My jungling could also improve.
I'm a university student so my schedule kind of varies, but in general I'm on at night after 5 or 6pm EST, until whenever I feel like going to bed (usually after 1AM).

I'm looking for someone to teach me how to lane and jungle properly, teach some strategy (i.e: when do I gank when jungling.. when do I stop jungling.. what do I do when I stop jungling?.. how can I last hit while laning with a ranged champion opponent?.. etc)

I have an open mind, and I feel I'm a good player so far. My username on LoL is the same as it is here.
Feel free to add me if you're interested in mentoring me, or even if you just want to play some games!

Thanks for reading my wall of text.
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 1, 2011 10:02am | Report
Well, hit me up and I can teach you through some custom game 1v1's.

Just keep in mind it's gonna be a bit painful and don't give up if you want to improve :p

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