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AD/Hybrid Annie. The Viable Trolling Girl?

Creator: EVILISLEMONS November 1, 2011 7:05pm

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Nov 1st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 1, 2011 7:05pm | Report
So recently I've been trolling games with different champions just to see how viable they really are. From jungling Zilean to going AD Katarina, they didn't quite cut the cheese. However... Annie... words can't describe how incredibly well she is when you troll build her.

Typically, this build is somewhat of a hybrid. How do I know? I took a look at the stats and realized she did almost half-half of AD and AP with this build. Nothing is as pleasing than seeing a fireball pitch that crits for 600-700 at ~1.5 attack speed. People around me always say things like "Why build her like that when she can just go straight AP and nuke people for the same damage?" Well, true. She is one of the best nukers in the game especially with her nice stun and AOE damage, but that's just extra stuff. They're both different play styles yet I find them both effective.

Personally, I like going hybrid more because I find it extremely easier to farm because of my crazy basic attack damage and attack speed coupled with a Guinsoo's blade. Phantom dancer really helps me with the much needed movement speed to chase and keep up the Guinsoo stacks as well - all the while spamming your skills that STILL do moderate damage andd to build up a STUN.

The majority of the games I've played with her going ad/hybrid ended up with me winning. The enemies just underestimate you like crazy.

I usually start off with boots and 3 pots, and then later build that into Berserker's Greaves (or if we really need some sort of AP, a Sorcerer's boots). I then go for Guinsoo's. At this point, she's still a lot more AP than AD, but from here on out is where it changes. With Guinsoo's, you will be extremely crazy at farming. Like ridiculously good at it. Once you get your 8 stacks on Guinsoo's going and your Q, it's happy farming. Start building AD items like Infinity Edge or Black Cleaver and rape faces. Build like a typical AD carry after.

Typically my build is like this:

Boots + 3x HP Pots

Berserker Greaves

Blasting Wand > Guinsoo's Rageblade

2 Zeals

B.F. Sword > Infinity Edge

Phantom Dancer 2x

Optional: Wilt's End, Madred's Bloodrazor, Black Cleaver, etc.

or Survivability items

I dare you guys to try it out...
----> My First Ahri Guide. <---- Please give me a chance and take a look at it! It'd be much appreciated!
Rozsud3k's Forum Avatar
Jun 29th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 1, 2011 7:35pm | Report
The pros of AD/Aspeed/Hybrid is the fact that you can use your fastest cd spell, Autoattack.

The cons is that it doesn't have synergy with her kit.

Besides, Trundle is the only viable troll.

I don't even
marisi's Forum Avatar
Jun 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 1, 2011 8:46pm | Report
Today I saw a annie building trinity force. But that totally didnt work and she failed badly having almost no dmg because it took her ages to finish it.
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Nov 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 1, 2011 10:03pm | Report
Thanks to GrandMasterD for my sig!

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