KingCasanova wrote:
I noticed you make some amazing sigs, but a lot of times you seem to Over do the C4D's ALOT. other than that. its awesome.
In this sig I tried out a new style, which is based almost solely off of c4ds :p. I dont think I spam c4ds to much in my other sigs though.

Could you make a tut on using C4Ds effectivly and could you link me to some good C4D packs, with fractals like the ones you made. ( I got like 6 fractal packs but none of them have the dust like look of your first one. ): )
Sigs made by me.

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Infraynor wrote:
Could you make a tut on using C4Ds effectivly and could you link me to some good C4D packs, with fractals like the ones you made. ( I got like 6 fractal packs but none of them have the dust like look of your first one. ): )
I could write a tutorial on how to make this piece, aswell as provide all the resources if you want.

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