So I checked google, and there was nothing I could find about it. So I have no idea what they are actually doing, guess i'll phone up my good friends at riot.

Thanks to Koksei, The_Nameless_Bard,JhoiJhoi, LaCorpse, JEFFY40HANDS and myself for the signatures! I am also a certified gangster.
They will have to make up something, but I doubt they will simply remove his stun.

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger.
Sigs made by: LaCorpse, jhoijhoi, Katoki, JEFFY40HANDS, The_Nameless_Bard and Sk1llbug
-||- Check out my Master Yi guide -||-
All I know so far
FeralPony - Associate Game Designer
I really dislike the term rework personally because it means so many things to different people, and usually this is interpreted as "massive buff" which is not often the case, so people are often let down when we released the changed champion.
In Jax's case it's coming along pretty well and should be out soon. Overall I think his power level will stay pretty close to the same as before since there is a lot of value in consistency but his maximum use case has gone down some as a result. That said a lot of what keeps champions out of competitive play or ranked play is if they are too dependent on RNG or behave inconsistently. He will be helped significantly in this regard.
FeralPony - Associate Game Designer
I really dislike the term rework personally because it means so many things to different people, and usually this is interpreted as "massive buff" which is not often the case, so people are often let down when we released the changed champion.
In Jax's case it's coming along pretty well and should be out soon. Overall I think his power level will stay pretty close to the same as before since there is a lot of value in consistency but his maximum use case has gone down some as a result. That said a lot of what keeps champions out of competitive play or ranked play is if they are too dependent on RNG or behave inconsistently. He will be helped significantly in this regard.
Thanks Jhoi,Xenasis,JEFFY40HANDS for the Sigs ! :D

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