If League of Legends is gay, then I am super****.
~Feel free to add me on LoL (EUW) Omerta, or on Skype: Joniakagod
~Feel free to add me on LoL (EUW) Omerta, or on Skype: Joniakagod
TheJohn wrote:
I was jungling as Olaf another day and things went well, and I enjoyed jungling. But I really think that Olaf can lane better than jungle, so I'm searching for junglers
I'd recommend (for a newish jungler) -
Singed (yes, really), Udyr, Lee Sin, Noc, Shyvana (if you want something a little unconventional (in the jungling playstyle sense)), Malph, Riven, Jarvan.
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I tryed Nocturne, Fiddle, GP and Malphite, but didnt like them