Try it out, it's not bad really. I played some ranked 5s today and it's fun to have some intense tactical games. You get put into a certain ELO for matchmaking after 5 games. Que times are a bit longer I think but that's on EU and I guess it depends on the times you play.
I hope its one of the early steps to clearly divide 5vs5 premade from any other "fun" ranking mode.
Srsly they should already make "ranked games" 5vs5 (maybe also 3vs3) only and divide "Normal" into beginner/pro league and subdivide those in Solo (ONLY Solo!) and Premade seperating 2 or 3 players and 5 players.
Maybe you can also implement a 4 men mode, but I'd count it as an extra or just skip it completely.
Srsly they should already make "ranked games" 5vs5 (maybe also 3vs3) only and divide "Normal" into beginner/pro league and subdivide those in Solo (ONLY Solo!) and Premade seperating 2 or 3 players and 5 players.
Maybe you can also implement a 4 men mode, but I'd count it as an extra or just skip it completely.
tehAsian wrote:
One of few troll strategies that can actually work really well ... MUNDO, YI, Trynd, ... Sivir... Constant push is Oh so sawwweeeeet
Darcurse wrote:
I hope its one of the early steps to clearly divide 5vs5 premade from any other "fun" ranking mode.
Srsly they should already make "ranked games" 5vs5 (maybe also 3vs3) only and divide "Normal" into beginner/pro league and subdivide those in Solo (ONLY Solo!) and Premade seperating 2 or 3 players and 5 players.
Maybe you can also implement a 4 men mode, but I'd count it as an extra or just skip it completely.
I think that 4 men isnt that good, you have almost a full team and will play with a random who can either mess up or carry the game. 3 men is OK imo
Darcurse wrote:
I hope its one of the early steps to clearly divide 5vs5 premade from any other "fun" ranking mode.
Srsly they should already make "ranked games" 5vs5 (maybe also 3vs3) only and divide "Normal" into beginner/pro league and subdivide those in Solo (ONLY Solo!) and Premade seperating 2 or 3 players and 5 players.
Maybe you can also implement a 4 men mode, but I'd count it as an extra or just skip it completely.
Wayy to complecated. Could you imagine the load in screen.
N it's good to have normals. I ranked 5/6 games a day. For me to learn camps i go normals. Taking normal games away leaves you with 2 options.
Try hard all the time-ranked.
vs bots - Yawn!
Think. analysis. and improve you game. Always
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Because I was thinking on either joining one, but I want to know more before doing it