Server: US
Your OranGeFTW
lv 30
Normal games won: 810 / Ranked wins/losses (season 2 ) 91/70
My solo Elo is ~ 1300-1400
My preferable roles are Support and Jungle
My Main champions are : ali/sona/taric and ww/lee/amumu/shaco/nocturne
I want to join a good Ranked team with friendly people , i play everday and practice my skills . IF anyone wants to play with me or join me in his team , Pm here or in game
[quote=OranGeFTW]Server: US
Your OranGeFTW
lv 30
Normal games won: 810 / Ranked wins/losses (season 2 ) 91/70
My solo Elo is ~ 1300-1400
My preferable roles are Support and Jungle
My Main champions are : ali/sona/taric and ww/lee/amumu/shaco/nocturne
I want to join a good Ranked team with friendly people , i play everday and practice my skills . IF anyone wants to play with me or join me in his team , Pm here or in game[/quote]
Your OranGeFTW
lv 30
Normal games won: 810 / Ranked wins/losses (season 2 ) 91/70
My solo Elo is ~ 1300-1400
My preferable roles are Support and Jungle
My Main champions are : ali/sona/taric and ww/lee/amumu/shaco/nocturne
I want to join a good Ranked team with friendly people , i play everday and practice my skills . IF anyone wants to play with me or join me in his team , Pm here or in game