I stated this already in another thread about this. I mean this sounds great on paper and I've love to play with nice players every game but realistically when you're with random players, they will do what they want. If they want to put all the blame on you, they'll do that and really, you can't do anything about it or they'll just become more angry. Really, just don't be a douchebag and hope others follow with you
Xaioli wrote:
I stated this already in another thread about this. I mean this sounds great on paper and I've love to play with nice players every game but realistically when you're with random players, they will do what they want. If they want to put all the blame on you, they'll do that and really, you can't do anything about it or they'll just become more angry. Really, just don't be a douchebag and hope others follow with you
This much is true. But might as well try not to add one more to the douchebag list. Also its naturla for people to dislike losing. At the first sign that your team is losing people start loosing there heads and so the rage begins. people need to learn how to accept defeat.
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Don't yell at your jungler. Don't cuss him out if hes ever going to gank your lane. Instead point out where the enemy warded. Or inform them on when on when your abilities come off cc to maximize the success rate of the gank.
If you see someone is missing, speak up. Don't wait for the missing enemy to show up and kill your team. Call mia for all the lanes. Bad enough someone isn't doing there part by calling mias for there own lane. Don't make things worse by staying quiet if you notice someone is mysteriously gone.
Help your jungler and support ward up. Try to have your lane warded so they can focus on warding the more important things like, dragon, baron or buffs. Or better yet now they can counterward or get an oracles.
Be a leader and a positive force on your team. Not some douchebag who lowers the morale of your whole team and provides nothing but dark murderous thoughts. . Any tips you guys have on how to be a leader and/or postive member?