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Has Windows hit it's peak?

Creator: Searz March 4, 2012 2:47pm
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 4, 2012 2:47pm | Report
My Windows XP boots in ~25seconds and takes ~250MB of memory from my system. It also looks prettier than Windows 7 or 8(METRO) could ever hope to do while still being ~3GB big and small enough to fit on a CD (700MB).
Now how does Win7 compare? I doubt you'll be able to boot that fast even with an SSD. Dose 20GB of system files will probably put you at an average of 40 to 60seconds.
And I'm using 5 year old hardware with 800GB of my system drive used. (I've never reinstalled my system btw)

Windows XP is still good, but soon it won't be enough. I'll be forced to upgrade to something to keep my stuff updated and working.

I think Linux distributions are the future. Google is working on one. Android is Linux based too btw.
There are a ton of pretty and extremely functional ones and I quite frankly don't see why you'd ever want to use the bloated piece of **** that is windows currently.

Just btw; I think Ubuntu (Linux dist) was first with the whole "app" idea. They made an "app" central from which you could download pretty much any program you'd want and it installed itself.

The corresponding graphical programs to DirectX in Linux are just as competent as DirectX, the only problem is that most game developers don't develop for OpenGL and the likes.

Have a few pics/vids of how awesome Linux dists can look:

This guy's GPU stutters a little, but still cool.

It's possible to run Windows inside of Linux btw. And most good Linux dists don't take up many system resources.
I for one am totally switching to some Linux dist when I upgrade my system. How about you?

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Xenasis's Forum Avatar
Jan 14th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 4, 2012 3:09pm | Report
I use Ubuntu on my laptop. I'd use it on my PC too, but programs (like games) usually only run on Windows nowadays. I also have Puppy Linux on my pen drive so I can use it wherever I go.

I prefer Linux to Windows, I really do. I hope Linux becomes bigger. It's better in practically every way, then more programs would be made on it.

I hear Windows 8 runs really slowly. Hopefully this will be its demise.
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 4, 2012 3:36pm | Report
Xenasis wrote:

I also have Puppy Linux on my pen drive so I can use it wherever I go.

Haha, I was totally thinking about doing that ^^

I prefer Linux to Windows, I really do. I hope Linux becomes bigger. It's better in practically every way, then more programs would be made on it.

Yea. I'm hoping Google will make people switch from Windows. (another interesting vid here)

The whole idea of open source is better than the standard of software today.
If everyone makes something from the same core while still improving on that core, it'll all be much better.
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B-Wong's Forum Avatar
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Jun 14th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 4, 2012 3:50pm | Report
Windows 8 ****in sucks. It's pretty known through windows history that every other windows is baaad. I think there might be a larger move towards linux if people were more willing to learn how to use their computers. A ****load of people barely know how to download, let alone install a new OS. Also I'm not too sure about the software compatibility issues (if any) but that'd be another big thing to consider.

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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 4, 2012 3:55pm | Report
Well, funny thing is that Ubuntu (for example) is easier to use than Windows. (I personally dislike the new ubuntu UI, but I'm an advanced user and my opinions differ a bit from normal users)
People just don't like changes.

Canoas's Forum Avatar
Nov 9th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 4, 2012 4:44pm | Report
On my desktop I have w7 X64 and on my laptop I have both w7 and ubunto.
I prefer w7 over xp. Mine doesn't take that long to boot, probably around 30-40 seconds. The windows partition uses a little less than 20 GB. I have no idea how to check how much RAM windows 7 uses, I'll check it after I restart my pc.

EDIT: ok, it took about 20 secs on the windows loading screen and about 10 seconds more while logging in till it finished loading all the startup programs (not many). I also checked the memory and it had about 800 mb cached not counting the extra programs I had running.

Overall I prefer w7 to wXP. I honestly don't remember why since I've been using it since beta, but when it I moved from wXP to w7 I liked the change and never even thought of changing back.
caucheka's Forum Avatar
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May 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 4, 2012 9:45pm | Report
windows 8 is going to be ****, its just windows 7 with stupid gimmicks that can be passed off as bloatware.
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Vavena's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 4, 2012 9:50pm | Report
I love linux the most, but it doesnt work too well with league so I'm sticking to Windows

B-Wong's Forum Avatar
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Jun 14th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 4, 2012 10:14pm | Report
Vavena wrote:

I love linux the most, but it doesnt work too well with league so I'm sticking to Windows

I like how you say this and also have the first world problems cat as your avatar.

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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 4, 2012 11:43pm | Report
Canoas wrote:

it took about 20 secs on the windows loading screen and about 10 seconds more while logging in till it finished loading all the startup programs (not many). I also checked the memory and it had about 800 mb cached not counting the extra programs I had running.

Dood, u lie.
You gotta have a real monster computer with an SSD in that case, cuz I've seen newly installed W7 systems with i7 processors boot in ~60sec.

Or some cleaned out version of W7. (*cough*Win XP Black Edition*cough*)

Overall I prefer w7 to wXP. I honestly don't remember why since I've been using it since beta, but when it I moved from wXP to w7 I liked the change and never even thought of changing back.

I have no clue of how you can do that. I dislike pretty much all changes. There's some functionality in the "pinning" of programs to the taskbar, but that's a feature I personally don't like. Otherwise it's all bad.
I'm using a custom theme, but my XP definitely looks better than the standard W7.
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