before you get more champions, play them out and see if they are fun (wait for the rotation).
Instead of spending all your ip on champions, you might consider buying t3 runes and runepages because those will be an issue as soon as you are going for draftmode.
greez sam
Instead of spending all your ip on champions, you might consider buying t3 runes and runepages because those will be an issue as soon as you are going for draftmode.
greez sam
^ Guys, if he's only on his second champion then he isn't level 20 yet. From his post it sounds like he just started playing this week. Don't waste IP on runes until you're level 20.
Don't waste IP on champions you haven't tried either, at least until you have a bunch already and don't mind taking a risk. Out of those champions you'd like Kennen best but he's 6300 and I don't recommend spending that much on your second champion. Just try to play every champion during free weeks and pick up the ones you like best.
Don't waste IP on champions you haven't tried either, at least until you have a bunch already and don't mind taking a risk. Out of those champions you'd like Kennen best but he's 6300 and I don't recommend spending that much on your second champion. Just try to play every champion during free weeks and pick up the ones you like best.
Slappiz wrote:
Runes > Champions
At least get the basic runes first.
Flat Armor seals
Flat Magic res glyphs
Flat AP quints
Flat AD quints
Magic pen marks
Armor pen marks
I would recommend MS quints
and flat ad reds instead of armorpen marks
samgoeslol wrote:
I would recommend MS quints
and flat ad reds instead of armorpen marks
MS are the best imo, but I think new players will find more comfort in AD or AP quints.
Yeah those are popular, but overall the ArmPen Marks + AD quints is better overall than straight out flat AD.. I prefer to use 6x armorpen marks, 3x AD marks and AD quints, or Flat AD marks and lifesteal quints.
OK here is what you should be doing.
If you are under level 15, buy up all the cheap champs. There are several of them that are good enough to play in tournament level. After that, play for free, and buy the ones whose toolkit and play style you like. However, once you hit 15, you should spend some cash and get daily IP boosters and save save save until you get to 20, then you can buy some tier 3 runes to start with. The two pages i would suggest buying are an Attack damage focused page, and a magic damage focused page, or if you like burly champs, a tank page.
AD Page:
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist X 9
Greater Mark of Attack Damage X 9
Greater Seal of Armor X 9
Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage X 9
AP Page:
Greater Glyph of Ability Power X 9
Greater Mark of Magic Penetration X 9
Greater Seal of Ability Power X 9
Greater Quintessence of Ability Power X 9
Tank Page:
Greater Seal of Armor X 9
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist X 9
Greater Mark of Armor X 9
Greater Quintessence of Scaling Magic Resist X 9
As you can see, some of these overlap. That is because once you buy one set of 9 runes (such as Greater Seal of Armor) they can be used on any number of pages. That is why some of these are the best to buy since they go across multiple runepages.
No one can tell you what champ you should buy. Its all about what you like. Just do all the free to plays, and after you have a few full runepages, go ahead and buy the champs you think are fun from the testing. What makes a champ OP or UP is not necessarily the champ itself, but how well the person behind it synergizes with the champ.
Hope this Helps XD
If you are under level 15, buy up all the cheap champs. There are several of them that are good enough to play in tournament level. After that, play for free, and buy the ones whose toolkit and play style you like. However, once you hit 15, you should spend some cash and get daily IP boosters and save save save until you get to 20, then you can buy some tier 3 runes to start with. The two pages i would suggest buying are an Attack damage focused page, and a magic damage focused page, or if you like burly champs, a tank page.
AD Page:
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist X 9
Greater Mark of Attack Damage X 9
Greater Seal of Armor X 9
Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage X 9
AP Page:
Greater Glyph of Ability Power X 9
Greater Mark of Magic Penetration X 9
Greater Seal of Ability Power X 9
Greater Quintessence of Ability Power X 9
Tank Page:
Greater Seal of Armor X 9
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist X 9
Greater Mark of Armor X 9
Greater Quintessence of Scaling Magic Resist X 9
As you can see, some of these overlap. That is because once you buy one set of 9 runes (such as Greater Seal of Armor) they can be used on any number of pages. That is why some of these are the best to buy since they go across multiple runepages.
No one can tell you what champ you should buy. Its all about what you like. Just do all the free to plays, and after you have a few full runepages, go ahead and buy the champs you think are fun from the testing. What makes a champ OP or UP is not necessarily the champ itself, but how well the person behind it synergizes with the champ.
Hope this Helps XD
Hey, if you liked any advice i gave, be sure to +rep me! Oh, and check out my Shaco and Maokail lorecraft in my Blog! I'm a starving artist in need of attention, so please feel free to read, respond, and critique me! Please? Anybody that leaves a comment (good or bad) will receive a +rep!
When im in mid, i just go balls to the wall usually. Scrap the defense, ive got 2 pots, i do as a please XD
Hey, if you liked any advice i gave, be sure to +rep me! Oh, and check out my Shaco and Maokail lorecraft in my Blog! I'm a starving artist in need of attention, so please feel free to read, respond, and critique me! Please? Anybody that leaves a comment (good or bad) will receive a +rep!
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Or is there another champion you would suggest?