Basically in draft your team is ordered by their Elo in Ranked or randomly in normals (in normals, premade groups get priority). The highest Elo guys on each team get to ban three champions in this order.
-Blue team bans
-Purple team bans
-Blue team bans
-Purple team bans
-Blue team bans
-Purple team bans
-Blue team #1 player picks
-Purple team #1 and #2 players pick
-Blue team #2 and #3 players pick
-Purple team #3 and #4 players pick
-Blue team #4 and #5 players pick
-Purple team #5 player picks
You need at least 16 champions to play draft. Normal draft allows you to use free week champions as part of the 16, Ranked doesn't let you as of next week.
If you want to actually see it I suggest you watch a LoL stream on or
-Blue team bans
-Purple team bans
-Blue team bans
-Purple team bans
-Blue team bans
-Purple team bans
-Blue team #1 player picks
-Purple team #1 and #2 players pick
-Blue team #2 and #3 players pick
-Purple team #3 and #4 players pick
-Blue team #4 and #5 players pick
-Purple team #5 player picks
You need at least 16 champions to play draft. Normal draft allows you to use free week champions as part of the 16, Ranked doesn't let you as of next week.
If you want to actually see it I suggest you watch a LoL stream on or
I have. There tend to be less ******s in draft than in norms. And luther gave a great description of the mechanics of the thing. And as far as more champs, i suggest you get used to playing at least two for each of 5 roles, or 3 each for three roles, before you start doing draft. And thats just a start. Counter picking at low ELO is almost non existent, so you would be better off at that point just playing a character you are really good with. As far as counter picking goes, basically it means picking a champ to play a role that negates the power of the opposing champ of the same role, or if you want to get really fancy, you know what the entire enemy TEAM is going to do, so you counter-pick team strategy. for example,
Ryze counters
Veigar because his power scales off of max mana as well as ap, so he doesn't need to build near as much ap as other mids, which makes
Primordial Burst not nearly as effective. and
Sivir counters
Caitlyn because her
Spell Shield totally negates the zoning effect of
Yordle Snap Trap and can also block
Piltover Peacemaker.
Hope this helps!

Hope this helps!

Hey, if you liked any advice i gave, be sure to +rep me! Oh, and check out my Shaco and Maokail lorecraft in my Blog! I'm a starving artist in need of attention, so please feel free to read, respond, and critique me! Please? Anybody that leaves a comment (good or bad) will receive a +rep!
PerpetualDuplicity wrote:
It counters the first tick!
No. No it doesn't. It doesn't even prevent the instant damage from

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