----> My First Ahri Guide. <---- Please give me a chance and take a look at it! It'd be much appreciated!
I've always thought of
Abyssal Mask as core for frontline mages like
Annie, ect. But, mainly after other items that contribute to damage more.
If we have a dual AP comp or the opponent is whoopin me, I'll get an abyssal earlier though. Sunfire cape on the other hand... It's kind of a bad item overall.

If we have a dual AP comp or the opponent is whoopin me, I'll get an abyssal earlier though. Sunfire cape on the other hand... It's kind of a bad item overall.

Sunfire's is horrible on Morde or Kat... Why in the world would you be running in their face to do damage? You're a caster so you go burst down people in a safe distance. I'd only get sunfire's on Malphite and even so that's situational.
Abyssal is a good item on casters. It's a great anti-burstmage item to rush on champs like Ahri.
It also shreds Mr to negative which is more effective on lower MR targets than Rabadon's.
Abyssal is a good item on casters. It's a great anti-burstmage item to rush on champs like Ahri.
It also shreds Mr to negative which is more effective on lower MR targets than Rabadon's.
GrandmasterD wrote:
the only ap I'd build Sunfire on is

"Vladimir is not an actual vampire, but if you wanna role play as one, build a

Sunfire cape is great on most bruiser APs like Cho, Rumble, Vlad, etc.
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I always build it on AP Champions who have melee range such as
OK I mean yeah they don't really offer much offense, but a little does go a long way. I just find it so damn useful - especially when you couple it with other sustaining items like
What are your thoughts on these items?