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"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
tehAsian wrote:
Rylais is overrated :P
Not worth it that early.
In mid yes, but not at top.
Shouldn't it be the other way around? At least on top Rylai's helps you survive the bruiser with greater ease and kite them harder, as well as juggle better both top and jungler.
As for the why's, I'm assuming it may be the runes/build (no mpen runes and stuff although I understand your point), the dark blue on your coding hurts to read, you max W first on the sheet but then you say on the text that you max Q first.
(don't take this as an attack, I really dunno Polse's opinion on your guide, but I'm almost sure it's your choice of starting runes/masts/items)
Thank you Byron for 2014's loudest laugh up till today
FalseoGod wrote:
Shouldn't it be the other way around? At least on top Rylai's helps you survive the bruiser with greater ease and kite them harder, as well as juggle better both top and jungler.
As for the why's, I'm assuming it may be the runes/build (no mpen runes and stuff although I understand your point), the dark blue on your coding hurts to read, you max W first on the sheet but then you say on the text that you max Q first.
(don't take this as an attack, I really dunno Polse's opinion on your guide, but I'm almost sure it's your choice of starting runes/masts/items)
As for the why's, I'm assuming it may be the runes/build (no mpen runes and stuff although I understand your point), the dark blue on your coding hurts to read, you max W first on the sheet but then you say on the text that you max Q first.
(don't take this as an attack, I really dunno Polse's opinion on your guide, but I'm almost sure it's your choice of starting runes/masts/items)
Team fights start later for top lane.
For Mid, you want it for dragon fights.
Tri lane for life.
FalseoGod wrote:
Shouldn't it be the other way around? At least on top Rylai's helps you survive the bruiser with greater ease and kite them harder, as well as juggle better both top and jungler.
As for the why's, I'm assuming it may be the runes/build (no mpen runes and stuff although I understand your point), the dark blue on your coding hurts to read, you max W first on the sheet but then you say on the text that you max Q first.
(don't take this as an attack, I really dunno Polse's opinion on your guide, but I'm almost sure it's your choice of starting runes/masts/items)
Don't need to kite with a disengage like Lightning Rush and sometimes your ult :3
Zhonyas is overall better because of the active (THATS GETTING BUFFED LOL), better AP:Gold ratio, and armor because armor :P Also synergizes with E's bonus resists and high base armor, so like mid game you get ~170, which is unbearable for most top laners. You also do a ton of damage and invuln. All of these outweigh Rylai's strong points, which is mainly the kite (unnecessary against most melee tops) and AoE CC (as Tem said, you don't teamfight that early), and flat health (a lot of top laners don't have as strong of burst as mid laners, so also unnecessary).
Also, regenerated health from revolver op.
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Since kennen is half the champs i play at top(kennen and irelia), i might consider crafting a kennen guide.
I am however really bad at designing and coding a guide, so would anybody be ready to help me with the looks of a top kennen guide?