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Astrolia's Column Guide: No More Black Text ~...

Creator: astrolia November 19, 2012 9:34am
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astrolia's Forum Avatar
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Sep 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 19, 2012 9:34am | Report
This is a guide about BBCode, columns, and using something other than black text to make space in guides. It also assumes you already know a bit about BBCode and columns.

Part 1: Making the Columns

[columns][icon=corki size=64] [nextcol][[Corki]] is an AD carry. He has strong poke damage with [[Phosphorus Bomb]]. Because of the short cooldown on [[Missile Barrage]], he can get [[Trinity Force]]/[[Sheen]] procs easily and is less reliant on ASPD compared to other AD carries. [nextcol][icon=trinity force size=24][icon=hextech shrapnel shells size=24] [icon=Phosphorus Bomb size=24][icon=valkyrie size=24] [icon=gatling gun size=24][icon=missile barrage size=24] [/columns]


Here I've started writing about Corki, and made simple column tags which allow me to stack the information in vertical columns. However, there's no space between the vertical columns which makes things harder/annoying to read. Let's fix that.

Part 2: Black Text

[columns][icon=corki size=64] [nextcol][color=black]space[/color] [nextcol][[Corki]] is an AD carry. He has strong poke damage with [[Phosphorus Bomb]]. Because of the short cooldown on [[Missile Barrage]], he can get [[Trinity Force]]/[[Sheen]] procs easily and is less reliant on ASPD compared to other AD carries. [nextcol][color=black]space[/color] [nextcol][icon=trinity force size=24][icon=hextech shrapnel shells size=24] [icon=Phosphorus Bomb size=24][icon=valkyrie size=24] [icon=gatling gun size=24][icon=missile barrage size=24] [/columns]


The current common solution to create space between columns is to make black filler text in its own column as seen above (color=black space).

But there are some issues with this. Like the top of each chapter in a guide is not actually black. People can see your "black" text.

Here's a lightened screenshot to make it stand out:


The other issue is that you have to write multiple words/letters to create space, and thus, when people copypaste things from your guide, they might actually copypaste your filler text.

Part 3: Width and Indent

There are 2 simple solutions/alternatives for this: Setting the width, or indenting.

Don't know what width or indent do? Click me

Part 4: Width

[columns width=100][icon=corki size=64] [nextcol][color=black]space[/color] [nextcol][[Corki]] is an AD carry. He has strong poke damage with [[Phosphorus Bomb]]. Because of the short cooldown on [[Missile Barrage]], he can get [[Trinity Force]]/[[Sheen]] procs easily and is less reliant on ASPD compared to other AD carries. [nextcol][color=black]space[/color] [nextcol][icon=trinity force size=24][icon=hextech shrapnel shells size=24] [icon=Phosphorus Bomb size=24][icon=valkyrie size=24] [icon=gatling gun size=24][icon=missile barrage size=24] [/columns]


Here, I set "columns width=100", and it screws up my formatting. Why? Because I said "columns width=100", so it literally sets every column's width to 100 pixels.

[columns] [nextcol width=100][icon=corki size=64] [nextcol][color=black]space[/color] [nextcol][[Corki]] is an AD carry. He has strong poke damage with [[Phosphorus Bomb]]. Because of the short cooldown on [[Missile Barrage]], he can get [[Trinity Force]]/[[Sheen]] procs easily and is less reliant on ASPD compared to other AD carries. [nextcol][color=black]space[/color] [nextcol][icon=trinity force size=24][icon=hextech shrapnel shells size=24] [icon=Phosphorus Bomb size=24][icon=valkyrie size=24] [icon=gatling gun size=24][icon=missile barrage size=24] [/columns]


First, I move Corki's icon to a new column. I set this column width to 100 (nextcol width=100), and now only the column with Corki's icon is 100 pixels.

[columns] [nextcol][icon=corki size=64] [nextcol width=50] [nextcol][[Corki]] is an AD carry. He has strong poke damage with [[Phosphorus Bomb]]. Because of the short cooldown on [[Missile Barrage]], he can get [[Trinity Force]]/[[Sheen]] procs easily and is less reliant on ASPD compared to other AD carries. [nextcol width=50] [nextcol][icon=trinity force size=24][icon=hextech shrapnel shells size=24] [icon=Phosphorus Bomb size=24][icon=valkyrie size=24] [icon=gatling gun size=24][icon=missile barrage size=24] [/columns]


Here, I've replaced my two columns that said space in black text with columns that have certain width (nextcol width=50). By doing this, I've created blank space in another method besides black text.

Part 5: Indent

[columns] [nextcol][icon=corki size=64] [nextcol][indent] [nextcol][[Corki]] is an AD carry. He has strong poke damage with [[Phosphorus Bomb]]. Because of the short cooldown on [[Missile Barrage]], he can get [[Trinity Force]]/[[Sheen]] procs easily and is less reliant on ASPD compared to other AD carries. [nextcol][indent] [nextcol][icon=trinity force size=24][icon=hextech shrapnel shells size=24] [icon=Phosphorus Bomb size=24][icon=valkyrie size=24] [icon=gatling gun size=24][icon=missile barrage size=24] [/columns]


Here, I used indent tags to create a similar effect (nextcol indent). Indent tags are always a fixed width, so using them is different from setting the width.

Part 6: Setting width on columns with icons

In my code for the the end with the Trinity Force and Corki's skills, I have 2 icons on each line.

[nextcol][icon=trinity force size=24][icon=hextech shrapnel shells size=24] [icon=Phosphorus Bomb size=24][icon=valkyrie size=24] [icon=gatling gun size=24][icon=missile barrage size=24]

It should appear as 3 lines with 2 icons each, but it doesn't. They appear on 6 lines in a big vertical column.


The reason why this happens is because my columns are "liquid" - they aren't really set/fixed.

To fix this, I'm going to set the width of the column with the icons.

If I want 2 icons that are size 24 to display, then obviously I should make the width 48... (nextcol width=48)

[columns] [nextcol][icon=corki size=64] [nextcol][indent] [nextcol][[Corki]] is an AD carry. He has strong poke damage with [[Phosphorus Bomb]]. Because of the short cooldown on [[Missile Barrage]], he can get [[Trinity Force]]/[[Sheen]] procs easily and is less reliant on ASPD compared to other AD carries. [nextcol][indent] [nextcol width=48][icon=trinity force size=24][icon=hextech shrapnel shells size=24] [icon=Phosphorus Bomb size=24][icon=valkyrie size=24] [icon=gatling gun size=24][icon=missile barrage size=24] [/columns]


...or not.

The rows with Corki's skills appear fine, but the Trinity Force and Corki's passive are on different lines.

To make it so they appear together on one line, I'm going to increase the width. (nextcol width=55)

[columns] [nextcol][icon=corki size=64] [nextcol][indent] [nextcol][[Corki]] is an AD carry. He has strong poke damage with [[Phosphorus Bomb]]. Because of the short cooldown on [[Missile Barrage]], he can get [[Trinity Force]]/[[Sheen]] procs easily and is less reliant on ASPD compared to other AD carries. [nextcol][indent] [nextcol width=55][icon=trinity force size=24][icon=hextech shrapnel shells size=24] [icon=Phosphorus Bomb size=24][icon=valkyrie size=24] [icon=gatling gun size=24][icon=missile barrage size=24] [/columns]


Now the Trinity Force and passive appear on one line together. This happens because of how Mobafire's tooltips are coded. Just remember to make columns with icons a bit wider.

Part 7: Horizontal Space

[columns] [nextcol][icon=corki size=64] [icon=trinity force size=24][icon=hextech shrapnel shells size=24] [icon=Phosphorus Bomb size=24][icon=valkyrie size=24] [icon=gatling gun size=24][icon=missile barrage size=24] [nextcol][indent] [nextcol][[Corki]] is an AD carry. He has strong poke damage with [[Phosphorus Bomb]]. Because of the short cooldown on [[Missile Barrage]], he can get [[Trinity Force]]/[[Sheen]] procs easily and is less reliant on ASPD compared to other AD carries. [/columns]


Here I have two columns with content and an empty column with an indent for spacing. I want to make the text on the right display near the top instead of in the middle.

[columns] [nextcol][icon=corki size=64] [icon=trinity force size=24][icon=hextech shrapnel shells size=24] [icon=Phosphorus Bomb size=24][icon=valkyrie size=24] [icon=gatling gun size=24][icon=missile barrage size=24] [nextcol][indent] [nextcol][[Corki]] is an AD carry. He has strong poke damage with [[Phosphorus Bomb]]. Because of the short cooldown on [[Missile Barrage]], he can get [[Trinity Force]]/[[Sheen]] procs easily and is less reliant on ASPD compared to other AD carries. [/columns]


I can force this by hitting the enter key a bunch of times and making blank horizontal space.

[columns] [nextcol][icon=corki size=64] [icon=trinity force size=24][icon=hextech shrapnel shells size=24] [icon=Phosphorus Bomb size=24][icon=valkyrie size=24] [icon=gatling gun size=24][icon=missile barrage size=24] [nextcol][indent] [nextcol] [[Corki]] is an AD carry. He has strong poke damage with [[Phosphorus Bomb]]. Because of the short cooldown on [[Missile Barrage]], he can get [[Trinity Force]]/[[Sheen]] procs easily and is less reliant on ASPD compared to other AD carries. [/columns]


Or I can make a bunch of lines before the text, and now the text displays near the bottom.


  • Can black text be used for anything? Yes. Black text can still be used to create a larger space. But for columns, it's easier to just set the width or indent.
  • Can you double indent to make an even bigger space? Yes. You can put two indent tags after one another.
hi embracing. yes i play ff14 now.
bsurma's Forum Avatar
Jan 2nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 19, 2012 9:47am | Report
Thanks! :D

I think I'll use some of this information when I prepare my Darius guide for S3.
+Rep pls if I helped! One click doesn't hurt :D Check out my first guide featuring Darius (NEED MOAR VOTEZ)!

IceCreamy's Forum Avatar
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Aug 14th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 19, 2012 9:58am | Report
Very nice, mind if I link it in my columns guide? :)

DuffTime wrote:
ok ok plz carry me omg
i was only waiting for you to ask

Temzilla wrote:
Too hot to be icecream.

Luther3000 wrote:
He looks like a hair gel advert on legs

Toshabi wrote:
Icecreamy, with hair as slick and smooth as the ocean waves of Cocobana
astrolia's Forum Avatar
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Sep 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 19, 2012 10:04am | Report
@bsurma: You're welcome.
@ice: Sure. Didn't know you had a columns guide lol.
hi embracing. yes i play ff14 now.
IceCreamy's Forum Avatar
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Aug 14th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 19, 2012 10:05am | Report
Thanks, will link it then ^^

+rep coming your way.

DuffTime wrote:
ok ok plz carry me omg
i was only waiting for you to ask

Temzilla wrote:
Too hot to be icecream.

Luther3000 wrote:
He looks like a hair gel advert on legs

Toshabi wrote:
Icecreamy, with hair as slick and smooth as the ocean waves of Cocobana
<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 19, 2012 2:00pm | Report
^^ Only just updated my own Making a Guide Guide to fix the black text issue, but I'm sure others will find this just as helpful :)
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

♡ sig by Tauricus2017 ♡
<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 19, 2012 2:13pm | Report
I should also say, I'm probably 99% responsible for black text, so when you're writing reviews, don't beat people up about black text, it's not their fault.

When Searz started using columns, he didn't have any space between them, so it'd look terrible. When I started using columns, and wrote my Guide Making Guide, the only way I could figure out to add space, was to add "space" literally, as black text in another column. When I did this, guides on MobaFire didn't have gradients, so "spaaaace" at the very top of a chapter was never seen.

It was only recently that the gradients were added.

But yeah, thanks for sharing the width parameter, never even thought of it.
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

♡ sig by thenamelessbard ♡
CrimsonSkyz's Forum Avatar
Aug 23rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 21, 2012 7:33am | Report
I never thought about this :O!
I always used the black text lol
Jhoijhoi I just saw some black text in the spoiler under Conclusion in
your Making a Guide Guide next to the Janna and Lux images :O.
Unleash the Beast
Currently on vacation~
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 21, 2012 9:13pm | Report
I gotta give this a REALLY good look when I start doing my guides with S3 updates.

Astrolia, I am a fan.

bitpik's Forum Avatar
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Apr 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 15, 2013 2:00am | Report

should fix the problem with black text ._.
I was born nude but now i am dude
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