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LF pre-made group, maybe even a team ;) [EUW]

Creator: Carolus May 20, 2013 12:21pm
Carolus's Forum Avatar
May 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2013 12:21pm | Report

My IGN is Karel Magnus, I play League of Legends for a few weeks now and I am currently level 26. I enjoy the game a lot, I enjoy me fellow players less. I'd love a group to play some proper pre-mades with, a group that communicates to win and that can help me improve my play.
I don't really excel at a certain role or champion. I got about 40 champions covering all roles, I have not yet played all of them. My new laptop's supposed to have a proper build-in mic, but if it doesn't live up to expectations I will buy a proper mic or headset.
I speak Dutch and English.


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