Hey Dudes,
my IGN is ID U IR A IB L E and I am heading towards lvl 30 (lvl 29 current) and I am searching for a last champ to purchase and to really play a lot. I am searhing for a champ that deals nice amounts of damage and a non-target-reliant gap closer. At the moment I really enjoy playing Zed, Vayne and Teemo. I also like Nidalee but I think she is not as strong as Zed or Vayne. I have thrown an eye on Elise, Kha'Zix, Diana, Jayce, Draven or Shyvana. I don't know how hard these Champs are.
I currently have:
I play: Jax (kinda boring), Nidalee as support, Rammus as Jungler (maybe need a better one), Teemo, Vayne and Zed
I have but rarely play: Caitlyn, Lux, TF, Singed, Taric, Xin Zhao, Wukong (bought him but didnt play him,seems a lot of fun)
I have but don't play: Nasus, Lee Sin (just bough him recently, seem quite hard), WW, Xerath, Ryze, Kayle
Now you know which champions I have. Now what I like:
1. non-target-reliant gap closer
2. really can kill a champ from 100% to 0%
3. viable
4. An interesting playstyle, not as boring as Xin or Jax, Nasus or Taric or bad as Xerath (for me)
IP doesn't play a role.
Thanks for your suggestions.
[quote=philipp32]Hey Dudes,
my IGN is ID U IR A IB L E and I am heading towards lvl 30 (lvl 29 current) and I am searching for a last champ to purchase and to really play a lot. I am searhing for a champ that deals nice amounts of damage and a non-target-reliant gap closer. At the moment I really enjoy playing Zed, Vayne and Teemo. I also like Nidalee but I think she is not as strong as Zed or Vayne. I have thrown an eye on Elise, Kha'Zix, Diana, Jayce, Draven or Shyvana. I don't know how hard these Champs are.
I currently have:
I play: Jax (kinda boring), Nidalee as support, Rammus as Jungler (maybe need a better one), Teemo, Vayne and Zed
I have but rarely play: Caitlyn, Lux, TF, Singed, Taric, Xin Zhao, Wukong (bought him but didnt play him,seems a lot of fun)
I have but don't play: Nasus, Lee Sin (just bough him recently, seem quite hard), WW, Xerath, Ryze, Kayle
Now you know which champions I have. Now what I like:
1. non-target-reliant gap closer
2. really can kill a champ from 100% to 0%
3. viable
4. An interesting playstyle, not as boring as Xin or Jax, Nasus or Taric or bad as Xerath (for me)
IP doesn't play a role.
Thanks for your suggestions.
my IGN is ID U IR A IB L E and I am heading towards lvl 30 (lvl 29 current) and I am searching for a last champ to purchase and to really play a lot. I am searhing for a champ that deals nice amounts of damage and a non-target-reliant gap closer. At the moment I really enjoy playing Zed, Vayne and Teemo. I also like Nidalee but I think she is not as strong as Zed or Vayne. I have thrown an eye on Elise, Kha'Zix, Diana, Jayce, Draven or Shyvana. I don't know how hard these Champs are.
I currently have:
I play: Jax (kinda boring), Nidalee as support, Rammus as Jungler (maybe need a better one), Teemo, Vayne and Zed
I have but rarely play: Caitlyn, Lux, TF, Singed, Taric, Xin Zhao, Wukong (bought him but didnt play him,seems a lot of fun)
I have but don't play: Nasus, Lee Sin (just bough him recently, seem quite hard), WW, Xerath, Ryze, Kayle
Now you know which champions I have. Now what I like:
1. non-target-reliant gap closer
2. really can kill a champ from 100% to 0%
3. viable
4. An interesting playstyle, not as boring as Xin or Jax, Nasus or Taric or bad as Xerath (for me)
IP doesn't play a role.
Thanks for your suggestions.