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[Richardio- The Assault Messenger]

Creator: Ryumanyamana June 30, 2013 4:31pm
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Jun 2nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 30, 2013 4:31pm | Report
[Richardio- The Assault Messenger]
Richardio is rather a mage or a hybrid and is pretty much his identity is for the community to decide!
Passive: Purgatory - Richardio's W's properties is dependant on if he casts Q or his E. W is a single spell slot.

Q: Holy - Richardio throws out a dense mass of holy energy in a skillshot and effect every unit in the path of the energy marking them with Path to Blessing and is dealted medium damage.(Debuff lasts for 10 seconds)

W: Blinding Dash - (If the last spell he casted his Q)Blinding Dash: Richardio lunges with his sword to a location. First unit he hits is glared(Glare causes the players screen to go brighter and blurrier which makes it REALLY hard to see) for .5 seconds and is dealted medium damage.. Units marked by Path to Blessing are marked with Blessing if they get hit by Blinding Charge(Debuff lasts for 10 seconds)

W: Fearful Charge - (If the last spell he casted his E)Richardio lunges with his sword to a location. First unit he hits is feared for .5 seconds and is dealted medium damage. Units marked by Path to Excommunication are marked with Excommunication if they get hit by Fearful Charge.(Debuff lasts for 10 seconds)

E: Bloody Hell - Richardio throws out a dense mass of bloody satanic energy in a skillshot and effect every unit in the path of the energy marking them with Path to Excommunication and is dealted medium damage.. (Debuff lasts for 10 seconds)

R: May the Creator Decide - After the target is selected, Richardio sinks his blade into the ground and channels for 1 seconds. After channeling, the targeted enemy is rooted down to the ground for 2 seconds(hands from hell grasp onto the target's ankles). If the target is blessed, a radiant light will shine down upon them(it follows them too) causing massive magic damage over time which reduces healing. This spell has a huge range.


I can't decide if he should be a mage or a hybrid into the LoL meta. Please give me more ideas and suggestions because I want the community to decide on his stats like cooldowns and mana costs. Right off the bat I know this is terrible which is why I want everybody to respond to make it better and balanced.(I want to keep the idea that he is a dual magic caster and a hybrid fighter.) How do you guys think I should change his kit because I feel that it has many missing holes. Final request, what should he look like?

Richardio was a part of a small group known as the Outcasts who were a small group that believed in 1 particular god that controlled all that existed. He was a sweet innocent boy that had big dream to become “somebody”. He thought about working in the fields of science then from there on he studied to rise to the top. Finally graduating out of The City of Progress, it finally came to him that science was just not for him to only enjoy. One day he came upon a poster that The League of Legends were looking for a new champion but that wasn’t the part that interested him. He went into further research and studied the champions. He became inspired to become a fighter and the champions that he liked the most were Kayle, Garen, Jax, and all the mages. His liking of the fact that Kayle comes from a race dedicated to destroy evil, this made him think about the balance of evil and good.

Thanks to Richardio’s knowledge of science, he studied the cosmos and the land of Runeterra itself. He conducted an experiment that he made an isolated chamber and only filled it with positive force and it turned out that the chamber exploded. He had the same result using negative forces. He finally found out that what was keeping the world alive was the balance of Good and Evil. The explanation of the world not blowing up into pieces is that different concentrations of good and evil were scattered across the world. He suddenly wanted to know how he could keep the balance. He started remembering how long ago he had to go to church suddenly snapping to him that he should see if religion is really mixing with science. He started to pray and have his prayers answered eventually he fully immersed himself with the Creator. Still knowing his dream to keep balance of the world(and a side thing to be in The League of Legends), he wanted to learn the arts of combat.

Further research he came up with 2 magical arts to help him balance the world, Holy and Hell plus learning how to use the blade. With all the knowledge he collected of physical and magical combat and what he must do, he is finally ready to go across the world to bring balance. Rumors of his deeds has spread across Runeterra but the bad deeds he caused to “balance” out the good baffled many people. Eventually The League of Legends requested him that he would join after hearing about his great combat skills, he accepted and is now restoring balance in Runeterra and The Fields of Justice. After a while getting used The League of Legends, he is now a ******baggish, still smart, and religious fanatic.
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Apr 6th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 2, 2013 10:41am | Report
Your'e not an english speaker are you? Well first, please correct the spelling, it's very hard to read this.

Second, I would like to say well done :) You have written alot which means you put some effort and thought into it, keep it up.

Thirdly, I'm sorry, but his kit just confuses me. What does his passive do?
Why do both Q and E do the same thing? And how does W change?

All in all this is quite confusing, and if you want people to understand you, and give you feedback, you have a lot of work to do.
- special thanks to VirusNG1, LaCorpse

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