Heimer sucks overall, end of topic.
Gave you a good laugh or helped? rep+ so i can know ;)
Thanks to TinyStar, Jhoi, Xiaowi, Virus, Bard and Arcana(eww)...for my signatures!
Elohell is like Irelia's stun: if your real level is equal or lower than the level you are in, you're STUNNED there forever. If your actual level is higher than the level you are in, you're just SLOWED in your way up.
Heres my Shyvana guide! I will dance in their ashes
IAmByakuya wrote:
Heimer sucks overall, end of topic.
Only used in 1 type of team comp =/= bad champion.
I'm just going to give you fair warning, you're going to get flamed here and in game for not only taking Heimerdinger but also taking Clarity/ Teleport.
I realize your only level 20, but with no escapes it's pretty much mandatory that you take Flash and there's absolutely no reason to take Clarity on any champion. You can build mana regen if you need it, Athene's Unholy Grail is a great item for heimer, plus you'll likely get blue buff (maybe not at level 20 but once you reach level 30)
The main reason people don't like play with heimer is that he has minimal team fight presence and requires the enemies to fight around his turrets to do a majority of his damage. He's good for pushing and being a lane bully but thats about it.
I realize your only level 20, but with no escapes it's pretty much mandatory that you take Flash and there's absolutely no reason to take Clarity on any champion. You can build mana regen if you need it, Athene's Unholy Grail is a great item for heimer, plus you'll likely get blue buff (maybe not at level 20 but once you reach level 30)
The main reason people don't like play with heimer is that he has minimal team fight presence and requires the enemies to fight around his turrets to do a majority of his damage. He's good for pushing and being a lane bully but thats about it.
Thanks for the Signature MissMaw!
The thing is I've found that a good GREAT Heimerdinger can hold any line, especially post 9. and with a team that can
Once I spent 30 minutes trying to drop Nexus towers because of Heimerdinger.
Once I spent 30 minutes trying to drop Nexus towers because of Heimerdinger.
Heimerdinger is more of a "fun-pick" champ cuz of the turrets.
I mean, he is rather pokey but as @Mooninites said, he is more of a pusher and a bullyer. Never seen him played on proffesional level.
I mean, he is rather pokey but as @Mooninites said, he is more of a pusher and a bullyer. Never seen him played on proffesional level.
He's a good defender and lane bully. you'll have a hard time pushing your lane when you are against him... but in team fights he brings absolutely nothing. the enemy team will just keep away from you turrets and that's where more than 3/4 of your damage is coming from. His grenade stun is good if you land it... but you see the grenade lob your way half an hour before which is quite easy to dodge unless he is right on you in which case you'd jump on his arse and kill him. His rockets do decent damage... but nothing outrageous. So all in all he doesn't bring much to a team unless you have the rest of your team as overaggressive champions.
heimerdinger is decent in certain comps but a lil outclassed by champs like lux/xerath with better waveclear/more consistent poke
his lategame is subpar cus his turrets will get 1shot
his earlygame dragoncontrol is insane tho and so is his baronspeed.
and im sorry to say it but the video proves nothing about the champ. a single video never does (samplesize duh)
just play heimer and improve at the game if you enjoy him.
Try to spam a little less and only hit your opponent with your abilities.
dont get granade till lvl8 imo
dont lvl your ult till lvl 14 imo
max out rockets first (unless your opponents keep attacking your turrets like morons lol)
if you have spare time, clear wraiths instead of standing at your tower
greez sam
sry about the unsolicited advice :(
his lategame is subpar cus his turrets will get 1shot
his earlygame dragoncontrol is insane tho and so is his baronspeed.
and im sorry to say it but the video proves nothing about the champ. a single video never does (samplesize duh)
just play heimer and improve at the game if you enjoy him.
Try to spam a little less and only hit your opponent with your abilities.
dont get granade till lvl8 imo
dont lvl your ult till lvl 14 imo
max out rockets first (unless your opponents keep attacking your turrets like morons lol)
if you have spare time, clear wraiths instead of standing at your tower
greez sam
sry about the unsolicited advice :(
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