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what champ should i buy next?

Creator: ghostofhoss49 December 11, 2013 6:26pm
ghostofhoss49's Forum Avatar
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Dec 11th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 11, 2013 6:26pm | Report
I don't know who to buy next . Im stuck between quite a few. I'm looking for ANY role with these champs no specific one, the champs are: Kha'zix, aatrox, ahri, brand, draven, fizz, hec, Jayce, Lucian, maokai, mord, rumble, swain, twitch, vayne, vlad, voli, yorick. i know u probably see these threads a lot but im also new to this forum and i just dont know. i would be on the actual league forum but it is under maintenance. please help if u can.
ghostofhoss49's Forum Avatar
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Dec 11th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 11, 2013 7:15pm | Report
plz respond?
DillButt64's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 11, 2013 7:55pm | Report
no one is going to answer you if you have a huge list and nothing else but "i dont care what role" explain what you want and then people will answer you
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lifebaka's Forum Avatar
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Dec 12th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 11, 2013 8:36pm | Report
Actually, better yet, try out free champs every week and decide who you like. The buy those champions. If you don't know who to buy, maybe don't buy anyone and sit on IP until the preseason 4 rune changes come around. But you're perfectly capable of making the decision of who to buy (or not buy) on your own, either way.

Still, you want some advice, so here's some advice. Brand, Draven, Maokai, Swain, Volibear, and Yorick are generally fairly weak right now, I believe, so I'd skip them. There are better options. I also haven't seen most of the rest of your list in a while, either, since a lot of them passed out of the meta. The only one's I've really seen much since the preseason 4 changes are Lucian, Kha'zix, Aatrox, ad Vayne.

Also, these aren't the official League forums. We might take a while to respond, because there aren't 100 people online and looking at the forum all the time. You really, really don't have to bump threads less than an hour after posting them.
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