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Olaf build

Creator: patooo92 January 20, 2014 5:06am
3 posts - page 1 of 1
patooo92's Forum Avatar
Jan 1st, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 20, 2014 5:06am | Report
Yo, i'm planning to try olaf very soon, im level 25 only, and i have questions.
Questions will by refered to LANE olaf, not jungle.
Why is everyone building tank olaf? ofc the survivability, but...
Aren't those AD builds to maximize E damagae longer viable? Or items like maw, black cleaver, frozen mallet etc?
I see that the longer u stay alive with armor/mr/health buildy, the more E are u able to hit... but i like seeing some AD builds, bcs the damage from E is huge, and with some CD reductions... imba...
and only AD items i saw recently (more in pub) was Ravenous hydra... why?

Master Ironfist
Master Ironfist's Forum Avatar
Dec 15th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 2, 2014 10:29pm | Report
Defense is really strong right now. You can build Olaf really tanky and still dish out lots of damage and duel really well. Ravenous Hydra is to help with Olaf's wave clear so he can push faster. Pushing faster makes him a threat that must be dealt with and allows him to split from the team and still pull attention. One of 3 things happens, they ignore you and you take a tower, they send one person and you duel them and PROBABLY win, third is several of them come to stop you and you retreat and kite them giving your team an advantage on the other side of the map.
oFrostio's Forum Avatar
Jan 12th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 13, 2014 10:08am | Report
Well you have to look at all 5 of the champions abilities to see which is best for him.Olaf scales really well with CDR+Tankines(hp+armor/mr)+DMG (ad only!ofc).

Your build always depends on your own teams needs + your lane opponent + enemy team composition.
If your team needs a tank,go tank ,if your team needs some dmg ,get some (2 or max 3) offensive items.

Hydra is excellent on olaf and many top lane champs which can't really lane clear vary fast,so this item enables them to do so,1+2 Q's and 2/3 auto attacks and the wave is cleared.

My advice would be for lane Olaf (if you are Not vs an opponent that can zone you and harrass/poke you all game long) go 9/21 masteries ,take some early dmg items (like Dorans and or Long swords > brutalizer) and then go for some durability (hp/armor/mr depends on your opponenet)

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