I can't watch the video right now because i'm at school but I will watch it when I get home , I've read a couple things saying essentially the same thing and i've never had a problem with raging in games including league but I do get passionate and such haha but my biggest problem is not being in sync with my lane partner even if i ping they tend to ignore it or just don't see it and telling them what to do takes time away from my game and hurts my play , I tend to do best while solo laning . More on topic of the post subject I've found that most people tend to reward themselves for doing good in a game and tend to stick to what they did that specific match but I've found that it works much better when I point out all the mistakes I make and avoid making them again essentially making every match playing but in a state of constant improvement.
Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the epic sigpic
Also, check out my Soundcloud, I make music..kinda
Ok , so it took longer than expected to get around to watching this than I thought (I'm very forgetful sometimes haha) Overall I liked it , definitely had some good tips and generally it's more or less the mindset I have but I have improved a lot on my mindset. When I started I was definitely strict "Practice" but now I do pretty good aside from the outcome dependence , it's not that i'm attached to the victory screen as you say because I don't care if I win or lose (I prefer winning obviously) but mainly if I perform well during a match .For example if I do poorly in a match I will get upset with myself but not with other players , it's weird. One thing that I think you should address is how to address teammates who are already flaming or how to say things to teammates to accomplish things and to keep them from raging . Instead of pointing out their mistakes just help them out or if you really need to point it out just give like a suggestion or something . I'm pretty much a noob though so I deal with a lot less experienced players so the other noobs don't mind the tips so it probably differs in higher elo and stuff .
Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the epic sigpic
Also, check out my Soundcloud, I make music..kinda
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This video will go over the basics of why people rage in league, what to do about it, and how to prevent yourself from raging.
Good luck out there on the fields of justice.
-Sir Fuzzy Walls