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Creator: Andromina April 1, 2014 11:13pm
Andromina's Forum Avatar
Apr 1st, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 1, 2014 11:13pm | Report
I am posting on behalf of a streamer that I feel deserves ALOT more attention then what he currently has.

There are many disabled gamers out in the world, which makes me just one of many. While I have no desire for the highlight of my channel to be the fact I am disabled, I do want to reach out and possibly help others that find themselves in a similar situation. I have Cerebral Palsy, it affects how I play games on console (X1 / PS4 / Wii U). While I can use controllers and do at times my disability does not allow me to play at a competitive level using such a control method.

If anyone reading this so happens to be disabled or knows someone that is please feel free to get in touch. If I can help you or someone you know find a solution that allows for a comfortable gameplay experience I will gladly do so.

His stream is
His Facebook is

Feel free to check him out one of these days.. hes a pretty cool dude who is out to represent a very small community. He streams games like LoL and ESO..


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