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Welcome to Chasin's stream!

Creator: Chasin May 2, 2014 9:57am
Chasin's Forum Avatar
May 2nd, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 2, 2014 9:57am | Report
Hello fellow LoL-players!
Let me introduce myself first, my (ig)name is Chasin, and currently have been streaming for a week. With succes! I've gotten 140+ followers in my first week! Which I am really happy about :-).

I've been promoting my stream in LoL-pages of my own country, which is Belgium. But I want my audience to be from all parts of the world! :D

My stream is pure entertainment, playing games with the fans, as well as doing 5v5's with them!
My current league isn't as pro as you'd suspect, I am only in Silver 2 for the moment. However I'll be aiming for gold within a period of time :-).

I would really feel delighted and appreciate it so much if anyone would just follow my stream or just come and say hello in the chat!

I also have a positive attitude and you won't see me rage on stream ofcourse!
Please take a look @ !

Thank you so much! ^^

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