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When is a good time to start playing Ranked

Creator: Uuskilu May 1, 2014 9:15am
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Dec 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 1, 2014 9:15am | Report
So I play on a laptop that is total **** (2-9 fps, 2 in teamfights when it's impossible to do anything but hope that i'm AAing a target, and not dying and 9 when it's just me and a minion wave on lowest graphics, no sound, and no menu animations)and i'd like to think for my CPU issues that I have to put up with that my KDA is pretty decent and I recently hit lvl 30 and next week i'm getting a good CPU that can run the game at top notch with virtually no latency so it will heavily improve my teamfighting potential and my reaction time.My question is when do you guys think Ranked will become a reality I've only got 36 wins due to how rarely I play pvp so I think I need some more experience with picks(and the whole ban phase in general) and laning against champs that I don't know that well. I'm thinking 100 wins is a nice goal and by then i'll have a decent knowledge of what picks to ban and who counters who (even though i generally just play who i'm comfortable with)

tl;dr It's not that i'm bad it's just my laptop(and i'm getting a better one) so I'm wondering what is an appropriate amount of wins(General game knowledge) to have before entering Ranked
Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the epic sigpic

Also, check out my Soundcloud, I make music..kinda
<Lucky Charm>
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Sep 24th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 2, 2014 8:52am | Report
when you can get at least 30 fps... otherwise the team is going to just be a 4 vs 5 with you feeding
Proud Coach of MHS League of Legends Teams.
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Dec 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2014 5:47am | Report
Well, I got the new laptop, game runs great and i'm having fun punching faces in on pvp, so it's all about general knowledge and ability until i'm ready for ranked
Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the epic sigpic

Also, check out my Soundcloud, I make music..kinda
<Lucky Charm>
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Sep 24th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2014 8:05pm | Report
then maybe after a few hundred normal games :) although really nobody is ever prepared to go into ranked.
Proud Coach of MHS League of Legends Teams.
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Mar 22nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 5, 2014 3:35am | Report
I personally started playing rank when i was at about 300 wins. That is exactly when i hit lvl 30, my personal recommendation to play quite a few hundred of normal games and get to know 2-3 champs per role with having 1-3 of those 8-9 champs mastered. what i mean by mastered is know their mechanics,know what they are weak against,know what they are strong against, know how to cs properly with them reaching about 80-100 cs in 10-12 minutes. Common warding spots. Basically know what champions can or cannot do if you are against them or playing as them.

Even if you do decide to start playing ranked now don't be discouraged if you get placed in bronze. As frustrating as it seems to be to be that low that is how i learnt and how i climbed up to silver. By playing games in ranked, if you just ignore the flame and everything else it is one of the best places to learn the game as everyone plays to win.

Just my 2 cents, good luck on your journey!

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