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Super new to League..could use some advice

Creator: draastik August 20, 2014 10:42am
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sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 8, 2014 10:17pm | Report
An ADC can definitely have impact the whole game. In fact, most times, dragon control early game is reliant in him not dying or being pushed out of lane and, conversely, if you push the enemy ADC out of lane or kill them, that gives you very strong control over how to manipulate the lane and dragon area, even enemy bottom buff.

The rest of the game, you mentioned yourself how ADC impacts siege and team fights. In solo queue, the support relies just as much on the ADC as it is the other way around.

ADC is a fine role to play as a starter.
cocfight's Forum Avatar
Jul 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 9, 2014 5:33am | Report
sirell wrote:
An ADC can definitely have impact the whole game. In fact, most times, dragon control early game is reliant in him not dying or being pushed out of lane and, conversely, if you push the enemy ADC out of lane or kill them, that gives you very strong control over how to manipulate the lane and dragon area, even enemy bottom buff.

The rest of the game, you mentioned yourself how ADC impacts siege and team fights. In solo queue, the support relies just as much on the ADC as it is the other way around.

ADC is a fine role to play as a starter.

Like I said before it is just my opinion but I stand by what I said about mid and jungle having more of an impact on the game.
draastik's Forum Avatar
Aug 20th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2014 7:08am | Report
Since I started, all I really played was ADC, but it's SUPER tough when you have nobody who plays support well. I feel like 90% of my Team Builder games are double marksman (which I instantly leave) or the 'party leader' sets EVERY lane to "Any Role". If we actually DO have a support, I tend to have my cs taken EVERY TIME.

I want to try and jungle, but I don't know the first thing about it; where to start in the jungle, etc. I have a few champions for each position but I haven't tried most of them.
sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2014 8:14am | Report
cocfight wrote:

Like I said before it is just my opinion but I stand by what I said about mid and jungle having more of an impact on the game.

Of course, and I understand that. It just seemed like you were writing off ADC as a ludicrously difficult role to rank up in. Actually, one of our resident Master Tier players recently said that he believes ADC to be the most influential role for climbing ranks.

I actually believe that there's some regional influence as well, slight though it may be. EUW, for example, is well known for its mid-lane playmakers - Froggen, xPeke, Kerp, Jesiz, Bjergsen (if you want to include Bjergsen as a EU originator) - whilst China is very well known for their ADCs - Uzi, NaMei and Vasilli (if you want to include LMQ under Chinese origins). I think it will largely depend on who you take as a role model. For example, I took role models like Aphromoo, Lustboy, YellowStar, MadLife and Mata, which is why I ended up maining support. Then I took on jungling through examining mostly OddOne and CloudTemplar, but then through DanDy, inSec, Nightblue and Kakao.

So I think the main answer to the question of what role to play for me is rather not what objectively has the most impact, but rather, what role you can provide the greatest impact for. For me, it's support and jungling, more recently top-lane also. I just can't seem to be a playmaker on mid or ADC.
sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2014 8:31am | Report
draastik wrote:
Since I started, all I really played was ADC, but it's SUPER tough when you have nobody who plays support well. I feel like 90% of my Team Builder games are double marksman (which I instantly leave) or the 'party leader' sets EVERY lane to "Any Role". If we actually DO have a support, I tend to have my cs taken EVERY TIME.

I want to try and jungle, but I don't know the first thing about it; where to start in the jungle, etc. I have a few champions for each position but I haven't tried most of them.

Well, there's no time to start like the present. I was afraid to jungle at first and now I'm afraid to let others jungle. I would recommend low-difficulty but reliable junglers like Xin Zhao, Vi, Nunu & Willump and Warwick.

Start at bottom side buff and do it with help from your laners (use Smite), clear the nearest mid-lane camp to you (Wraith camp for red buff start, Wolves for blue buff start) then proceed to your secondary buff. This is a standard clear for most junglers.

After you clear your second buff, you can either gank top/mid or continue clearing your jungle, working a line through the camps.

So an example clear (assuming a gank isn't available) will be like this:

Blue Side - Red -> Wraiths -> Blue -> Wight -> Wolves -> Wraiths -> Double Golems.
Purple Side - Blue -> Wolves -> Red -> Double Golems -> Wraiths -> Wolves -> Wight.

Other general tips:

Look for opportunities to invade. If the enemy jungler shows in a lane, you can take this opportunity to go into their jungle and take their big creeps (leaving the small ones means the camps won't respawn for him). Also gives you chances to ward enemy jungle, so you know their movements.

Buff Timers - keep track of them by pressing 'tab' often or by typing a timer memo into chat.

Neutral Objectives - Dragons and Barons. If you killed their botlane/midlane/jungler or saw that they just recalled, and you are healthy enough, you can attempt dragons and sometimes even Barons. You'll probably mess up a good 70% of your initial baron/dragon calls, but this comes with experience - don't let losing fights and games over these get you down; it's part of learning.

Gank routes - don't feel restricted to ganking via one route like the river. Sometimes you have to go the long way around through their jungle, around double golems, up through tri-bush just to get a gank off. Sometimes you'll have to go through your lane bushes and sit there for 1 minute before you get that gank.

Have fun. Do stupid stuff. Make ham-dives. You learn more from mistakes than you ever will from successes (provided you are willing to learn).

tl;dr - Just do it and have fun.
draastik's Forum Avatar
Aug 20th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 30, 2014 10:52am | Report
sirell wrote:

Well, there's no time to start like the present. I was afraid to jungle at first and now I'm afraid to let others jungle. I would recommend low-difficulty but reliable junglers like Xin Zhao, Vi, Nunu & Willump and Warwick.

Start at bottom side buff and do it with help from your laners (use Smite), clear the nearest mid-lane camp to you (Wraith camp for red buff start, Wolves for blue buff start) then proceed to your secondary buff. This is a standard clear for most junglers.

After you clear your second buff, you can either gank top/mid or continue clearing your jungle, working a line through the camps.

So an example clear (assuming a gank isn't available) will be like this:

Blue Side - Red -> Wraiths -> Blue -> Wight -> Wolves -> Wraiths -> Double Golems.
Purple Side - Blue -> Wolves -> Red -> Double Golems -> Wraiths -> Wolves -> Wight.

Other general tips:

Look for opportunities to invade. If the enemy jungler shows in a lane, you can take this opportunity to go into their jungle and take their big creeps (leaving the small ones means the camps won't respawn for him). Also gives you chances to ward enemy jungle, so you know their movements.

Buff Timers - keep track of them by pressing 'tab' often or by typing a timer memo into chat.

Neutral Objectives - Dragons and Barons. If you killed their botlane/midlane/jungler or saw that they just recalled, and you are healthy enough, you can attempt dragons and sometimes even Barons. You'll probably mess up a good 70% of your initial baron/dragon calls, but this comes with experience - don't let losing fights and games over these get you down; it's part of learning.

Gank routes - don't feel restricted to ganking via one route like the river. Sometimes you have to go the long way around through their jungle, around double golems, up through tri-bush just to get a gank off. Sometimes you'll have to go through your lane bushes and sit there for 1 minute before you get that gank.

Have fun. Do stupid stuff. Make ham-dives. You learn more from mistakes than you ever will from successes (provided you are willing to learn).

tl;dr - Just do it and have fun.

I know this is a late reply but thanks for the tips! I haven't tried jungling yet, but this definitely helps a lot.
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