Imma 'bout to end this man's whole career My rather unimpressive and slowly growing anime list! Currently watching:
Nisekoi: False Love |
HiFromBuddha wrote:
Which explains why I see the chemical spam threads gone so quickly, amirite? Tsk tsk.
Why yes, no more kitchen ads, muscle enhancers, chemical ****... man if you guys would be able to see the admin archive. Over 250 threads removed in the last month x) Let alone blogs and comments :x
DuffTime wrote:
ok ok plz carry me omg
i was only waiting for you to ask
Temzilla wrote:
Too hot to be icecream.
Luther3000 wrote:
He looks like a hair gel advert on legs
Toshabi wrote:
Icecreamy, with hair as slick and smooth as the ocean waves of Cocobana
IceCreamy wrote:
Why yes, no more kitchen ads, muscle enhancers, chemical ****... man if you guys would be able to see the admin archive. Over 250 threads removed in the last month x) Let alone blogs and comments :x
So basically you are denying my muscles, social life (through kitchen), my career as a cook, my career as Heisenberg and many others. You do so much work to keep me here that I am almost embarrassed. You could've just asked ^^
The_Nameless_Bard wrote:
I bet Searz remembers when I joined, he spent a lot of time telling level 22 me how bad I was. 8D
Although you spent a lot of time yourself saying how bad you were throughout your Mobafire experience, thank god you self-esteem leveled up :P
You need to log in before commenting.
Because of the fantastic moderation crew, who keeps the trolls at bay of course ^^
Which explains why I see the chemical spam threads gone so quickly, amirite? Tsk tsk.