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CasterMaster's avatar


Rank: Veteran
Rep: Esteemed (316)
Status: Offline
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CasterMaster's Mobafire Blog

04 Dec

Hey guys! Guess my return was rather quick wasn't it. Anyways, that isn't the case of matter right now. Here's my updated guide for Kassadin. If you have a few minutes, please do give it a read and give me your personal opinions and feedback. I would like to make this guide the best it can be for the new season, so I put aside my other guides for now. Very much appreciated, and thanks to everyone...
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12 Nov

Views: 1228 Caster's Vanquish

Hey everyone,

Unfortunately I will be hibernating and will be archiving my Kassadin, Swain and Xerath guides. I no longer have time to keep them up and updated and also don't want to put time that I dont have into updating them for season 4. They've been around for too long and I think its time someone else took the spotlight. There won't be a very high chance of me returning to Mobafire, but if I do, then I will bring my guides back with me.

I do hope my guides were ever-useful, and...
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13 Jan

Hey guys (and girls), it's been a while since I posted a legitimate blog on here. That's because tests and midterms are destroying me in my final year of high school, so I've been very inactive and still will be for a long time. Though I have made a commitment to be on Mobafire a bit more, especially keeping up with my comments in my guides and what not.

So here I am sitting in front of my computer, bored into insanity when I should be studying for a big Chemistry test and now, just...
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08 Dec

SO I NEED TO UPDATE MY GUIDES RIGHT? Especially since I am in my last year of high school, this is something I DON'T want to do.

Sorry everyone for being "gone", but I'm really busy. If I have a time to update my guides, I will do so sometime during Christmas Break. I'm so busy I'm typing this with one hand. But yeah, I will do a bit more experimenting with new items and builds and test them out.
Because literally, I'm putting just way too much time on Pokemon White 2 =S.

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22 Sep

WHAT IS UP IN THE MOBATOWN CITAY! Welcome to another fricken episode of The CM Channel. I hope you all enjoy yourselves because technically nobody is going to read this anyways. But for those who WILL read it aka. nobody will get.

FIRST OFF! The noobmaster has updated his guides. Yeah I had some time and I figured that since they became yellow I said "Why not?", and so my guides are updated. It's ok nobody cares though so we will...
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